In The Beginning
It must be admitted that the seed that started this sports craze fell from the baseball tree.  As all of New England knows the Red Sox suffered one of their most painful deaths ever this season at the hands of the dreaded Evil Empire.  Not wanting to face the thought of a Sox-less World Series, our intrepid pioneers, Dane Despres, Todd Robbins, and Isaiah Davis headed out to play a simple game of whiffleball.  From the first plastic smack, each whistling curveball, bounding grounder, and towering talljack filled their cold, empty hearts with the vibrance and hope that had been lost since Grady's Error.  Soon, they realized that their pain was fading and joy was back in their lives.  From this game a plan was hatched.  They would announce the birth of a new league, the Leavitt Area Whiffleball Association (L.A.W.A.).  If they could get 3,4, or as many as 5 teams to join, they could play after school and forget about the horrors of another curse-ridden year.  The three young teachers declared themselves members of the administrative force for the league, the Leadership Council, and called a meeting for 3:30 PM in newly appointed Commissioner Despres' office, room 213.  When 3:30 PM came around, only Despres was able to leave the Humanities Network meeting, leaving jealous Davis and Robbins behind.   The presidents had to wait to know the fate of their newborn league.  And wait.  Upon their glorious release, they walked down the seemingly endless hallway.  Despres' door stood open, but only light - misteriously no sound - emitted from his room.   Downtroden, Robbins and Davis laboriously completed the trek down the green mile and entered room 213.  What they saw amazed them.  Fifteen teams made up of over sixty students were signed up to join the league.  Soon leagues were drawn up, schedules were made and within an hour a celibratory game was begin played in the courtyard.  Leavtit's new craze was born.
Another year of our Sox discontent, another reason for downcast eyes.  But this year's tears bred something honourable - L.A.W.A.!
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In a smoke filled room, Despres, Davis, and Robbins dreamed of a better world. (left)
From the sky box of the Golden Pagoda the Leadership Council peered down upon the unofficial innaugural game. 
The combined brain power of Despres, Robbins, and Davis formed a larger, faster, more intelligent brain.  This brain formed LAWA
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