




"To stand out in the rain, so no one sees me cryin', trying to wash away the pain" (Bon Jovi, "Keep the Faith" -1992)

A brush with death

The abuse had been going on for some time now, but she tried to not think about what he was doing to her. They had a child together, and she loved him, despite the violence that filled her world. �Keep it together, for our son� she would think. She was working in a convince store and he worked for a security company, going to ATM�s. She was in the process of replacing her car, and found one that she really liked. One day, while at work, the dealership where she was hoping to get the car came by with the car and said she could test drive for the weekend, and took her old car that she was trading in. She was really excited about this and could not wait to tell him. It was his day off from work, and when she got home, she told him about it. He had told her the day before that he would stay in and take care of their son, instead of going to see the other woman, the girl that he was cheating with. She took it as a sign that maybe he would stop seeing her and instead, concentrate on them and their son. He looked at the car and said it was nice. After a few hours, he said that he was going out, and would be taking her car. She told him that he promised that he would stay in, and that she was responsible for the car. �It is not that I don�t trust you, but if someone hits you, and I am not in the car, I could be in trouble. And since it is not legally mine yet, I am responsible for the car.� She thought that she was well with in her right by saying that. He got up out of his chair, and got in her face. He grabbed her arm and said, �what did you just say to me�. Seeing the anger in his eyes, she backed down. �Like I said, it is not that I don�t trust you, I don�t trust the other drivers. You know how crazy they are here.� He backed off for a few minutes, and when she thought it was safe, she headed back to the living room area. He then took a step towards her, and shoved her so hard; her back hit the kitchen table, causing her to stumble. She, out of fear, started down the hallway to the bedroom, when he grabbed her arm. She pushed him away, telling him to leave her alone, when he grabbed her again and pushed her down the hallway, towards the bedroom. He then shoved her so hard, she fell on the bed. He climbed on top and grabbed her shirt, choking her with it. She started to cry, and beg him to stop. She felt a sharp pain on her neck and was having problems breathing. She said that he was hurting her bad, and he said that she was lying. She then noticed his loaded gun lying on the bed, and when he was not looking, she grabbed it and pointed at it. Her hands were shaking, and so was the gun. He said to put that down, that she would not shoot him. It was physically draining for her as her breaths became shorter and harder, and felt waves of dizziness as the room started to spin. She managed to click the gun, putting the bullet into the barrel. She looked into his crazy eyes and pointed the gun at him, crying as she did it. He then realized that she would really shoot, and climbed off of her, letting go of her shirt. He called her a stupid B**** as she was trying to catch her breath. Her neck was in pain, and it hurt to swallow. After gaining her strength back, she bolted up from the bed, ran down the hall, grabbed her son out of his crib, and ran outside before he could take off with the car. She managed to get away from him, and went to where she worked so she could calm down. A few weeks, and many tears later, she moved out, taking her son with her.

The above happened to me, I was lucky enough to have the support to get away from this person, others are not so lucky and their only way out is in a coffin. Domestic violence kills every day, and is a serious issue. I am a SURVIVOR!

If you are a survivior of domestic violence, feel free to add this ribbon to your web page.

Domestic violence is a seriouse issue. If you know someone who is being abused, PLEASE get help for them before it is too late. If you are being abused, you are not alone. Get help before it is too late for you!

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