E'NAN, I need to make a new title thing, soon, I guess.

You enter a small weyr. The sun is about to fall and you can't wait to see the sunset from the weyr bowl. You squint in the dim light of the room. you cannot seem to make out much of anything. There is a bed in one corner and open trunk in the other. You wonder if their is anyone here. As if something heard your thoughts a head pops up from behind the trunk. It is a boy, about 15 years old. You peek in the other part of the weyr and see a young boy rubbing oil on a young brown dragon.

Bronsoth, ain't he cute?

They boy is cronning over the dragon, and the dragon is oviously enjoying the attention. His hair is a dark blond and his eyes are a dark green. You can tell that in a few years he is going to be a heart breaker, if he wasn't already. He must have spent some time in the mines, for his skin is pale and yet he is of a ovious muscular build. He rises to his feet carefully.
"Hello." He says and blinks. "Is it getting dark already?" He shakes his head and uncovers a glow basket. A glow basket. I made it myself. Ain't it purdy?
You blink in the sudden rush of light. Now that the lighting is better you can see that his cheek has a faint pink scar. Barely visible, but there.
"I'm E'nan, and this big fat thing over here," He says, gesturing to the dragon, is Basonath." He says, holding out his hand. You shake it cordially.
"I impressed him at Jerdan Weyr. They've had a flood of cluthces rescently, more then I care to think of infact. I was just another candidate there just to try my luck, and I got lucky. "
"How were you searched?" You ask him, curious.
"Oh," He says, tracing the scar on his cheek, "It's nothing really dramitic. I was out for a injury in the mines," He offers you a seat and you sit as well as he, "There was a structure collapse and I was in deep. I got beat up really bad. I broke my leg and it never really has healed right. Now and then when I am really tired it hurts a lot. I could never go into the mines again, which meant the end of my apprenticeship and having to go home." He sighs. This is oviously not a happy memory for him. "The search riders came about a month after the accident, while I was still confined to bed and asked if I wanted to be a candidate. At that time one of the only things I could think of was getting out of the mines and out of that business. My father, he was far from pleased, but he gave his consent. My search was Recorded if you want to read it." He hands you a scroll and you read it carefully and hand it back to him. "That's quite a story."
"Thanks." He grins. You grin back. He is a charming young man.
"Now," you ask, "How did it happen? The hatching that is?"
"To tell you the truth I'm not sure." He walks over to the couch were the small dragonette is sitting, looking as regal as any bronze. "He was impressed by me and I was impressed. It's like he is always at a the back of your mind and it is wonderful." He looks up at you and smiles.
He goes over to a shelf and pics up a small bag, curious you follow him. "I picked up a sovenier while I was mining. They all are cracked." He carefully unwraps it and lays its content out on the table.

His jewels that he picked up. Ain't they purdy? They are all craked though, see?

You gasp as you look at them and he grins.
"They are all almost worthless though" he says, pointing to some barely visible hairline cracks in them, "I rather like the cracks though. It makes them seem more really, more tangible. It sounds stupid doesn't it?" He grins and wraps them up again. You want to look at them longer but make no objections.
At that time a two small flitters flit into the room. One, a brown, starts to wash itself, caring for nothing in the world. And the other, which you are startled to relize is a white perches on E'nan's shoulder. Eunan's Flit, made for him, but me. Don't steal him from his rightful owner please!

"Oh, where have you been Taka?" He asks. "I was getting worried about you!" The flit turns and blinks at him and goes back to his washing. Eunan turns to you and grins. "I've had Taka ever since I was a little boy. I found his egg in a clutch and impressed him by accident. It was rather odd, me coming home. I was lucky I had my lunch with me to feed him. And this little mite," He says, oviously referring to the white on his shoulder, "Is Locca. I impressed him at Jerdan Weyr. I love him to peices of course." The brown looks up a whistles shrilly, and E'nan laughs, "But I still love you Taka." The flitter seems pleased with that and hops up on E'nan's other shoulder. Lacocca, ain't he adorable. E'nan was almost as shocked when he impressed him as when he impressed Bosonath!

"Do you have any brothers and sisters?"
"Just me, my da, and Suara." He says. "Saura is my little sis'. My ma died a few years ago soon after she was born. No one really knows why. She just got really sick really fast. I took care that Saura would not be a weakling. We were all worried about her, because she was a sick baby. But she got better. She's a regular tomboy now. She came to see me everyday when I was hurt. She's almost old enought to be searched. She's 13 now. I know they search usually only one child from each family but maybe she might be. They need so many candidates noadays." He brushes his hair back from his eyes. You grin, there is a lot of that sort of thing in this Weyr.
You sigh and get up, for you must be off. You wave goodbye and promise to come back after the harching to see if he impresses.

lookies! @_@
E'nan is a impressed at Jerdan Weyr, that is also where the white flitter came from. A special thing given to 1 candidate per clutch. E'nan was honored to receive it and so was I!
The Glow and the jewels and the flitter were made for him by me. You can get your own glow in the storeroom
Background and title pic made by me. Story is original me! Don't steal. Stealing shows a lack of creativity and I know you can do better then that.

Laxani = Me. Click here for some graphics that you can use, free! 1
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