the storeroom


You enter the storeroom and you are greeted by a young woman in her twenties.
"Good day to you!" She says brightly. "I'm Sarisala, and this is the storeroom."
"We've got many many supplies so we don't mind if you want to take some and use them in you're weyr. Just please, be kind and make sure you tell those who come into you're weyr or room where you got them."

We have many different sizes of jars of numbweed, just in case you or your dragon get's in an accident.

numbweed numbweednumbweed

And we also have oil.


These jars are here if you need some place to store some fruit juice or any other random thing.

And here are some more jars.


Pern is copyrighted by Anne Mccaffery and co. This is not a role playing weyr and is no way affiliated with Anne McCaffery. Etc.

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