Chapter 1
*The Trip to Hogwarts*
    A girl walks into view of the Kings Cross Train Station wearing an odd looking clothes from a muggle point of vies. They are blue exterior and gold interior. An eagle patch is placed on the left side just above her chest. Her hair odd also for it is jet black and held back in a ponytail. A silver stand that hangs between her bangs and a set of violet eyes with cat slit pupils. In any case to a muggle very odd, and her luggage is just as odd. A black trunk that holds her belongings has an increased symbol and above it was a pure white albino barn owl. Its red eyes gaze around its surroundings as it grooms its flawless plume.
   The girl walks to the third post at platforms 9 and 10. A slight smile comes across her face, and faces the wall. She looks into both directions to see if anyone was watching and she walks towards the wall going through it. Ending up in another part of the train station. Platforms 9� posted as the Hogwarts Express. There, she stood in front of a large scarlet steam engine also marked Hogwarts Express. She took a deep breath closing her eyes; �another year at Hogwarts� she opens them again.
    �Layla, hey Layla!� the girl turns her name being of course Layla. Wile not paying attention to where she was going she bumped into something or someone. Layla looked to what she hit and it was a young girl with fire red hair, and green eyes. Her robes bare no patch making her a first year. Layla slightly waves embarrassed like, �oh my apologies� the girl fixes her robes and looks to Layla with no emotion, �maybe next time you should watch where you are going� Layla found this remark rude, �I said I was sorry is that enough? Do you even know who I am? The headmasters granddaughter.� Lily shrugged, �do I even care. So what I am Lily Lockheart. They are just names.� Layla glared at the girl for a few moments and heard the last call whistle for the train, �we better go or we aren�t going to make the train and we are stuck here.� she heads towards the train Lily following behind without a choice. Layla found her friends and separated without a word.
Layla walked into a cabin with three other people, one was a slender looking boy that made Layla turn slightly flush, �oh hello wood� the second and third where twins no doubt both with red hair and freckles, �Fred, George.� She nodded to them both. Wood smiles and motioned Layla to take a seat and she did, �so Wood going to think on how to beat my house this year?� her house, ravenclaw won the house cup and quidditch cup last year and she loved to tease wood about it. Wood didn�t say a thing, but Fred had an evil grin of teasing on his face, �wood is down because Charlie left Hogwarts last year.�
    Layla didn�t realize that and kept quiet until a commotion began. Their where rumors that Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts at last. Wood seemed to cheer up a bit at that rumor, �Harry Potter� he said �wow who would of thought we would have him come to Hogwarts� Layla smiles and looks to wood, � it was only obvious he would be coming here. For one Hogwarts is the Top Wizarding School in Europe if not the world. He would have to be invited to join Hogwarts. And he would be 11 this year. Just put the facts together.� She pulled out a book that stated Quidditch for all the ages, and was quiet the rest of the trip.
    Even through the carriage ride she was silent wile all the other students buzzed about Harry Potter and all where wondering what house the sorting hat would place him in. one girl said, �maybe in Hufflepuff with me� wood was very confident, �it will be Gryffindor� Layla just sat their looking out the window, �with his vast knowledge what other house would be better than Ravenclaw. I know it wont be Slytherin if he did what others claim he did.�
    The second and plus years entered the Great Hall at the school, and their where five sets of tables. All where set parallel with the room except for one that was set wide instead of long. At it sat a group of adults that where the professors chatting and laughing. At the center sat an older man wearing a scarlet dress robe with gold trim. Layla looked at him and waved as she took her seat located at the left side center table. The old man waved back and she turned to talk with other Ravenclaws.
    The first years soon entered following an older professor with an emerald velvet robe and dress. She turned and told each student about her self, saying she was professor McGonnagall the houses and also introduced them to the sorting hat that sat on a stool in the middle of the hall. The hat looked old and tattered but all the other students knew the hat was very knowledgeable and an important part of Hogwarts� history and future.
    She called out names and each person was sorted followed by cheers after each first year. Professor McGonnagall held up the parchment and called out the name �Harry Potter� the whole hall went silent and watched with anticipation after a few minutes the sorting hat called out �Gryffindor!� the hall rang with cheers as he took his seat in at the proper table.
    The old man in the center if the table stood and introduces himself to the first years, � I am professor Dumbledore. Welcome to another year at Hogwarts not that the sorting ceremony has finished. Let the feat begin� the tables filled with food out of nowhere and all the students began to eat. After the feast was finished all the students traveled to their common rooms. Layla lead a group of returning students to the Ravenclaw common room located in the highest tower. There a picture of a unicorn stood from a side view eating the grass what looked like in the distance. Its head shoot up and looks at the students. The unicorn then turned its body and walked up what looked like the edge of the painting close to Layla and the others. It let out a snort in aggression and Layla smiles, �dainty hooves� the Unicorn buck and neighs as the picture moves aside leaving the open doorway to the common room.
    Layla was so exhausted she didn�t even wait for the others to come and say good night she just walked to her dorm and changed into her silk pajamas, �good night artemis� and crawled into bed falling swiftly to sleep.
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