Chapter 2
*The Big Secret*
    Layla wakes up with the early September sun shining into her eyes. The navy blue velvet fabric bed curtains where drawn and Artemis her albino owl was sitting at the edge of her bed with the daily mail. Layla rubbed her eyes thinking it is odd that she brought mail to her room. She sat up and pulled out her pocket watch; �class just started!� she jumps out of bed and throws off her pajamas, �where did my bloody clothes go!�
     Artemis the Owl points out to the chair where all her clothes where pressed and ready for wearing to class. Layla then throws off her clothes than grabs her schoolbooks already roped together and runs out the girl�s dormitory and down the moving staircases. She stops at the bottom and looks to her schedule, �potions with Snape? Damn and I am already 10 minutes late� she quickens her pace heading for the dungeon.
     Layla was worried. She had dealt with Professor Snape in the past and for four years had never had a problem with him, but she knew this was his limit. She stopped at the door and took a deep breath before she gathered the courage to open it and take a single step in. inside you could hear a quill drop, as she froze at the entrance. Just then 35 Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students turned their gaze to her. Layla�s heart began to pound as she fiddled with her fingers and hands, �I think this is a bad idea� she turned to exit before she could take a step, Snape who was sitting at his podium placed his quill into the ink jar, �Miss. Dumbledore, How kind of you to allow us you company. Now why are you lets see. 15 minutes late to this class? Think carefully for points on Ravenclaw are at stake.�
     Whispers broke out in the class, and Layla�s heart began to beat faster, �please no not now, not here.� But she slightly smiles and tried to hide her real emotion, �professor now is not a good time. If you could ask me again after class has been dismissed?� a slight smile came across his face. Layla believed Snape could since fear and feeds on is, �no Miss. Dumbledore, share your excuse with the entire class.� Just as he had said those words a rush of pain rushed through her body and a piercing scream came from her as she feel to the ground.
     A look of confusion came upon Snape�s face as the other students jumped from their desks huddling to the furthest corner from the two. The body on the ground began to form a horse. To be more in depth a white mare, with jet black main and tail. Her violet eyes still remained with the cat slit pupils. Also a single silver streak like in her human form still remains in the same spot in her horse form.  One Hufflepuff yelled, �She is animagus?� as they still huddles closely in a corner.
     Snape drew out his wand taking a step to Layla, and scanned her massive body. Her eyes shoot over to Snape as she stood to her feet. Snape took another step, �does the headmaster know about this?�
     Layla snorted and took another few steps back now out of the potions room. Snape pointed his wand at Layla, � oh no you don�t. supifey.� She spell barley missed Layla as she took off around the corner and up the stairs back to the level floor. In the process she had almost knocked Mr. Filch to the ground and trampled Mrs. Norris with her hooves. Now, the case was on.
     She had reached the main doors and realized she was cornered not being able to open the doors and they where too large to kick. Snape and Filch where heard coming up the stairs and Layla panicked. Her mind being simplified as an animal she didn�t know what to do. She then saw a window that caught her stair and took the chance.
     She galloped over to the window as fast as she could to gain momentum and jumped. Her massive body shattered the glass as she had barely squeezed through the window. She then looked back and bucked in a triumph type way and galloped across the valley, past the lake and into the forbidden forest. The stopped at the window where she had escaped and Snape threw his wand to the ground in a mad fit.
     �She wont be going far professor look� Filch pointed to a to a few clumps of fur and blood that was on the shards of glass followed by a trail on the ground leading off into the forest. Snape�s eyes shot to Filch; �You know who will get pinned for this?� he picked his wand up and straightened his robes, � me that�s who.� He turned and walked up the stairs. Filch tiled his head, �where are you going?� Snape did not turn his head or stop, �Dumbledore�s office. Someone has to tell him and if I where you I would let Madam Pomfrey aware of Layla so that she may be prepared.� He disappeared into the staircase, and Filch followed heading towards the hospital wing.
Chapter 3: A New Start ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~>
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