Chapter 3
* ANew Start*
   In the Forbidden Forest Layla now slowed her pace and looked around the area. To her left the Weeping Willow Tree stood tall and to her right the darkness of the forest gave her the creeps. She soon found an uprooted tree large enough that would hide her from the creatures of the forest. Once there she kneeled to the ground and took a deep sigh of relief. Her heart beat normal again, but her mind was on edge wondering what would happen now that everyone knew her secret. She then scanned her body finding some minor cuts on her side and back. One wound on her right hind leg was a larger gash and was bleeding freely. She lowered her head to the ground and slowly closed her eyes.
    An hour went by and as Hagrid and Dumbledore combed the forest. Hagrid searched with fang and Dumbledore searched with Fawkes with little success. After another 20 minutes Fang had found her returned to her human form, and unconscious. Her school clothes where ripped a few cuts on her body. The bad cut on her right leg was still slightly bleeding and the tone to her skin was pale.
    Hagrid carried her out of the forest and back to the school where Madam Pomfrey took over in the Hospital Wing. By the time she was found the rumors has spread all over school. The Slytherins made the most of it even though not one was an eyewitness to the account other than Snape.
    A first year named Draco Malfoy said, �She sounds more like a werewolf than a animagus to me.�
    Layla opened her eyes slowly but her vision was slightly blurred. The smell though let her know where she was, the Hospital Wing. The bed felt soft and she sank into it like she was on a cloud and she didn�t want to move. She had always loved the beds in the hospital wing and though of many excuses to go their. The sun was again high in the sky greeting her even through the white curtains trying to block them.
    A familure voice spoke softly to her as she tried to sit up, �Now, now. Don�t be getting up just yet my dear.� Layla�s head hit the pillow without argument, slightly rubbing her eyes and opened them again, her vision clear enough to see her surroundings. Their close to her bed stood Albus Dumbledore, �pope?� she smiled weakly and griped his hand at the edge of her bed, �what happened?�
    He smiles and his eyes twinkled with warmth as he took her hand in return, �well I think you know what happened half the time. Snape has told me of what happened yesterday and I.� Layla interrupted, �yesterday?!� she thought it was much shorter than that, �I was late and he made me feel uneasy and then it just happened. I turned into my animagus form but the odd thing to me is I never even practiced to be animagus it just kind of ha..� he interrupted in return, �no need to worry about that now, you had put yourself in a horrible situation and was hurt in the process. Other than that no one else was injured. Mrs. Norris was quite startled when you almost turned her into a pancake,� he slightly giggled but Layla said nothing.
     A few moments where spent in silence until Layla looked to Dumbledore, �are you mad?� he had a slight smile upon his face, �why would I be. I do find it odd that this animagus form came up but that couldn�t be helped. It isn�t your fault that you can�t control it either.� He paused and ran his fingers through her hair, �I must take my leave as of this time. Madam Pomfrey will make sure you rest today and if she sees fit tomorrow in the hospital wing. After her approval you will return to your studies alright?�
     Layla only nodded looking down to her sheets gripping them tight. She watched her grandfather leave and she lifted her sheets to look at her leg. It was tightly wrapped in a thick layer of bandages, and it was throbbing slightly but the pain was bearable. Her head rested again upon the soft pillow as she slowly drifted to sleep, her thoughts still flooded with what had happened.
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