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---Monday.December 6.2004---

Well, I added another skin. Yes, it's guys kissing. I love it. I think it's uber hot. If you don't, that's fine. But, I still do. Because it is. Mmmmmhmmmm.

---Tuesday.November 30.2004---

I'm in biology class, in the linux lab, continuing my trend of not working. I'll do bio later :)
So I've decided I'm going to make a rant page, because lately there are quite a few things that are really pissing me off. A fucking lot. GAH!

Stupid wiggers!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, and get the new msn 7.0 beta, it's so fuckin' sweet man.
I think that's it for now, gonna check my nexopia and myspace accounts.

---Friday.November 26.2004---

Well, I haven't done a blog here in a fuckin long time. Too long. I updated the music list last week, it's growing to be quite massive. Today I added site anchors. So cruising down it will be a peice of cake :)
I also fixed some links that were in teh wrong place and some that looked like shit.
Too much has been happening lately to write about all of it. And I wish I was pacient enough to wait for all the photos I'd like to upload to upload. Damn dial up. Damn it to hell. The day I get high speed will be a happy happy day.

I have plans for the site, big plans. Check back in the next few days to see the rad changes that have evolved in my mind. Mmmmmhmmmm.
Buhbye *waves*

---Friday.October 15.2004---


Yaay, Sonya got condoms, warming condoms. And Simon got his eyebrow pierced. Whoot, both are uber sexy, though I haven't seen either... Heh.

It was Coras birthday a few weeks ago, best birthday part I've ever been to! We were in a limo for two hours! Two! And well, the present I got her... Was very... Fun!

Going to Victoria tomorrow, shall be fun, I'm going to be Kitty from Monkeybone:

Isn't she rad? Gonna go with Camille, scour Value Village, and have lots of fun, we hopes anyway ^_^ Oh yeah, I'll be sure to post pics from this years halloween fun! Since the feedback was generally positive from me and Sonya's cheerleading outfits. Hah.

Ashamed at Ingrid for not hanging out with us at lunch, on Sonya's birthday. Instead she went and hung out with her guy friends, who she hangs out with every lunchtime. Funny, resemblance to last year, when she ditched Erin on her special day to smoke some weed. Something she does EVERY day, that's kinda sad :S

Hhhmmm, well yeah, lots-o-stuff has been happening lately, generally been doing well :)
Bye for now O_o

---Sunday.September 19.2004---

God, it's been awhile since my last update! Schools kinda weird so far, but after the few days of "never-ending" school hours, it's become normal. I'm used to it, we just had our first four day week, with a nice three day weekend. I love it.
I got a job... Gonna be organizing photo slides. Looks okay, starting out with 9 bucks an hour. Can't complain.
Oh my god, I'm such a loser. Fuck it's so true. Gaaaawd!
Had to get that off my chest, some of the things I've done lately, bah. And I mean, fucking hell just look at my last update? I don't even think I was fuckered up...
Speaking of! Yesterday was so rad. Sonya, Erin and lil ol me got drunk at the fall fair. Then stoned in town, and a bit more drunk. Man, that was fuckin' awesome! It's funny though, this morning my moms like "Erin seemed like she had been smoking yesterday, Sonya didn't though." Bahaahahahahaa! She seemed so proud of herself for figuring it out. Hah. Just like the time with Lisa, Camille and me, she seemed so proud to figure out that we'd smoked a bit, she had no idea how piss drunk we were. Lol, burn.
Well I think that's all for now... Think I might look at my homework, see what needs to be done. :S


---Wednseday.September 1.2004---

Aye! Well summer vacation is almost over, I'm not impressed! But alas, it is good. These are small steps towards the goal, graduation. This is grade 11, help mommy! This is my course schedual so far:
A: Biology, with Astill
B: French, with Donahue
C: Art, with Locke
D: Math (UE), with Nicholson

So yeah, I added some more stuff to my backpack today, it's so dope. Ahhhh dope... Here's a pic (yes my backpack is quite vain. Someone email me with a name for it) Oh god yes. DO THAT! A naaaame...

Oh my god, I'm such a dork!

Well, I'm off for the night, Ciao doods!

p.s. There's no more glitching-out with the layout when the window is minimized. But AAHHHHH, I'm not quite happy with it! One day Gadget, one day!

---Thursday.August 26.2004---

Well... WHOOT! It's done. It took me for friggin' ever to do it, but it's done. There is a little glitch, and I'm gonna be asking Camille for help, for now, just keep the window with my site, maximized. Dude. Very happy with the green. More me :)


---Wednesday.August 25.2004---

Whoot!!! I've finished the layout. And if I don't say so myself, it looks so fabulous! It's completely changed, compared to what I originally had invisioned. But I like the new look so much better. You'll see ;)

Now that I've figured out the layout, I'll have to update everything, I'll continue working hard, and hopefully things will be working again soon :)

---Wednesday.August 25.2004---

Well, it's been a few weeks since I've done an update. SO i figured it was time for one, even if it's rather short. A few of you know that I've been working on a new layout for my site. Because I don't like the blue and yellow one, or this lame ass pink and black one on the homepage. Boooooooo. Get off the stage.

I went shopping yesterday with Camille, got two pairs of pants, and two shirts. Will have to post a pic of my black shirt. Oooh yes! I also had my first bad high, it sucked. Puked >_<
Apparently I got smoke in my stomach, what joy!!!
So we slept in till 2:15 or so, and then her mom came to pick her up. Grargle.

Well now, I'm gonna go work on the layout some more, wish me luck :)

---Tuesday.August 10.2004---

Look at how I look like after last night!

Yes, I'm in love with it. Took quiet awhile to do. Pink with purple tips, but you can't see the purple really, well not in this picture anyway... Meeting someone tomorrow, slightly nervous.

I neeeeed a new look for my site. This looked good at first, but not anymore. As you can see ym the home page, I did play around. But this is NOT how I want my site to look like. And Camille, your site is very pretty. And wow, that guestbook. And a few short blogs... Go you! Add something that I can laugh at. Considering adding a few things... Not sure though, on eis pretty cruel. Ahahaha, but so funny. I'll have to think that one over some more... Hmmm.

Was cleaning my room today, t'was great fun, if only I could do that more often :| Then I went to the dentist. They may have my teeth, but I have all their lolly pops!

Hahaha, I had my msn name as "Hooray Fetus" from the fetus mart thingy. And someone told me I was a sick fuck. Hehehe. Oh man... And apparently I told him I was a skank or something the other day, when I never talked to him :S
Lay off the crack buddy... Ahhh hehe, that was funny. Blockey-blockey!

I'm done for now, gonna go clean the shit off my floor. I guess I should just walk to the toilet, in the future. Who knew?

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