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---Saturday.August 7.2004---

Well, today was a long day at the market. But Asia lent me 20 bucks and I bought my first ever pipe!!! I'm so happy. My and Camille smoked up at Blackbourn lake today. Then went swimming. In out bras and pants. Mmmm... Pants.
Camille and her mom bleached my hair last night. Whooot!!!

I'll suprise you all with what I'm gonna do to it next week. Mwuahahahhaha!!!

Now! I bring you the fetus's! Wheeeee

I adopted a cute lil' tempura fetus from Fetusmart! mm..yummy. I adopted a cute lil' emo fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus! I adopted a cute lil' giraffe fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' cow fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus! I adopted a cute lil' poison fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus! I adopted a cute lil' pikachu fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

---Tuesday.July 27.2004---

Well!!!! I'm baaaack. Yes, it's not really mnoday anymore, seeing as it is tuesday. 12:15 in the morning. But I did want to finish that update.
So I'm a little drunk now, told my mom the days events, and she bought four bacardi breezer's. Strawberry smoothie. Like yum man. I'm working on the drunkeness, hey I still have half a bottle left :D

DRUM ROLL PLEASE! So after months of me bugging Camille to make a website, she has done just that! I am *proud* to introduce to you... Ballpoint-Tattoo. I must say, I am happy. Of course, this means competition. And brings to mind the fact that I want to change the look of my site... So sometime soon I'll get cracking on that. I did start, making some images, but it sucked, I need inspiration!
Well Camille! I wish you the best of luck on your webby, just try and have some content eh?

Well, I am drunk now. Typing is kinda difficult when you're under the influence. Mwuahahahahaaaaaaaa.
So I'm gonna go sleepy-time now. Goodnight!

---Monday.July 26.2004---

Wow, today sucked. I'm not gonna go into it, because the people who will care, I will tell them.

So I'm just going to write a hella long update :P

So I'm sitting here with Happy on my lap. Who is Happy, you may ask. Well curious reader: Happy is my furry little rodent friend. A rat to be more specific. Happy is white and black. Very cute. I'm including these two pics:

Well now, I gotta go for awhile, I'll finish this off tonight. Toodles.

---Saturday.July 3.2004---

Well, jeez, having the best summer! Just updated the music list. I redid it all. Now the bader songs are gone. And it's arranged by artist, not by song title. That was pissing me off. So check it out here.

I had the friggin awesomeest Canada Day, best yet. But thats not saying much, cause the past ones have been weak.
Lets just say this for last thursday: Don't drink when you already feel sick. Swimming in jeans is still fun. *Some* people will not only lower, but bash their standards when their wasted... Miiiighty Mouse. Woulda been better with a certain naughty panda bear. And we will never again drive with a drunken FAJA! And Ingrid, those sandwiches were good! How could you change your mind!

Well I'm fuckin' tierd. Go tup waaay too early. Garage sale then market. It was funny when I talked to Gabe. Oh god good times! Tomorrow getting drunk with Jelly! So excited! Never been with her, teehee! Never tried bacardi limon, hoping for good stuff. Anyway, with that, I shall save this file and sign outta geocities.

Oh man! Almost forgot! I'm not getting a ferret. They cost too much (think $200 or so) so I'm getting a rat. I'm so excited. So gonna look over those ferret names, and when I get my little friend ($6!!!!) I'll use one of those names. Wheeeee! So excited! :D


---Monday.June 28.2004---

Well! Schools out, since last Wednesday actually. It's been great so far, I think I can deal with no school and lots of sleep... Man, you shoulda seen me when I finished my last exam (math) I was so freaking happy! Then Sonya, Camille, Erin, Lisa and myself went to town and got drunk. Off Malibu and Kahlua, mmmmmm, so yummy. We drank both bottles, ate rainbow chips ahoy, had a whipped cream fight, and me and Sonya made friends with some pretty hot guys, and some... Not-so-hot guys. Lol. Execpt for the thing (close friends know what I'm talking about...) it was tons of fun. Mmmmm that was an awesome day.
Then last Friday Ingrid had her birthday party (HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW! Love ya hun!) was really fun. Her parents actually served us booze, Tequillamabooba! And we got pretty stoned too.It'd take too long to write all about that, but hey! Swimming in jeans is fun eh Sonya? Eh Camille? Eeeeh?
Saturday Sonya came up to my place for awhile and chilled. Smoked raisins outta my bong. Oh Dylan would be so mad! Hahaha.
Yesterday was boring as fuck, but at like 7 I went and hung out at James's and we watched "Bubba To-tep". That was one weird movie! So yeah, that was fun. Getting better at Tony Hawk! :D
Today. Today was boring, I did pretty much nothing. Well I saw Ingrid for awhile, her foot is fucked. And for her birthday too, like damn. That movie was good, everyone should check out "Girl Interrupted". Good stuff.
But today doesn't feel complete, cause I haven't talked to Simon yet :P

Ahhh, anyway, I'm done with this for now. Y'all have a good night, hear?

---Tuesday.June 15.2004---

Short update right now. Mr. Niazi's comic. This comic hangs in my math class by the electric pencil sharpener. I asked Mr. Niazi if we could make some copies (Ariel and Neeve, yes i cannot spell her name, were afraid to ask him) and little did he know I'd be uploading the comic onto the web! :D

This is it dawgs

Sam Logan did this comic, he's long lef tour school, apparently working for Disney, never met the guy, but credit for this funny-ass-shiat is due :)

Later dudes, keep it real yo

---Tuesday.June 8.2004---

Weeeell... I'm supposed to be doing french, but no, I'm working on my site. I got rid of some lame links, and added some important ones, needed. Now I'm talking to Swinger, and this makes me a happy duck :)

Today was fucking hot, like, if I was an ice cube, I would have been... Well, not an ice cube for long. YES, that was lame, but do I care... OOOOH NOOOO!

OH NO! Camille just came on msn! I was supposed to phone her back after that pizza... Doh!

Now, I know I have fans, so here's a lil' song for all of you: "Simpson, Homer Simpson, he's the greatest guy in history. From the, town of Springfield, he's about to hit a chestnut treeeee!" - Funniest thing... Boy oh boy!

Please check out Lukes raps :) "aight"

HERE is what Camille has been wanting me to put up. It's one of our little boredom sites, Pineopia. Actually Pineopia origionated when Ingrid and Lisa wore shirts saying "Ruby has a stump fetish" (I swear it was just a one time thing!!!) and "Camille loves fat women". We stole the shirts, cut them up, and made a rope of them. Revenge to Ingrid was given when we went on and on about the big nasty sweat stains in the shirt, this was when we were cutting them up in Art. We decided that my magnificant tree house, would be our country (yes, well, yes, okay, we're dorks :) ). So hail Pineopia! The graphics are pretty spiffy, Camille's a wizz... And those passports, well I'm just a creative son-of-a-bitch! :D

Much love to all of yous... Cept those few who I hate *cough* shoves head into deep fryer... OH NO!

P.S. I have a new "corner" that I added today. But no link for now... It's a secret...

---Friday.May 22.2004---

Whoa, one month since my last update, that is truely sad!
I changed the image links, but the problem (which I'm not gonna even explain) was very small and I don't doubt that I'm the only one (maybe Camille... Maybe) who would ever notice it ;)
I added Erin's essay, I've had a few people asking for it. LIke that grade 9. You can find it under entertainment, for now just click here :)
I smell like burned rubber, it's gross. But hey, that car show cost us most of the school day, and we can't complain about that. There were so many hotties at the skater/car shows!!! Ohhhh babay...

---Thursday.April 22.2004---

SHP: to answer your question. yes, you do!
Tuesday was a blast ^_^
JELLY'S COMMIN' HOME! Yay, I'm so happy! On saturday, we is gonna get drunks (i hopes)...
There is a school dance tomorrow night, I may go... Not sure yet...

---Wednesday.April 7.2004---

Well, right now I'm thinking of getting a ferret... I reallay want one, but my mom is being not-so-cool about it... *shakes fist*
I was thinking of going to Vic on friday with Camille and buying one... we'll see. Madre just says I need to give her some info on zee ferrets. ^_^
I'm also trying to add more colour to this site, so boring! And really I'm not that type of person. Colour here we come!

p.s. anyone with cool names for ferrets must tell me their suggestions. You can tell me on msn if i talk to you, or sign my guestbook and include it in your entry.
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