It's Christmas time of year again;
another Christmas without you here.
And the sadness of still missing you,
continues to flow within every tear.


Every day I think about you;
it's not only just at Christmas time.
But with it being to share with loved ones,
it's so much harder on this heart of mine.

I don't miss all of your presents,
that would be wrapped up under the tree.
I miss your smile, and your loving touch,
and just having you being here with me.


The greatest gift I could ever have,
would be to have you back for this day.
Just to hug you, and say "I love you",
even though I know you couldn't stay.

I have memories of Christmas with you,
and that is a true blessing on it's own.
I hold them always close to my heart,
to help keep me from feeling so alone.


It's another Christmas without you here;
I'm sending my Christmas wishes and love.

Until time comes for us to be together again,
sharing our Christmas's in Heaven above.

Poem was written by Pamela Hall
~Angel of the Heart~

LK GalleryGallery MB Gallery

Dedicated to My Father
Created 2001 In His Memory

The painting used to create this set is called
"There really is a Santa!"
by Tom Sierak. Used with his permission.

Archived Christina Artvilla

All Rights Reserved