Sailor moon reveiw
Thousands of years ago our planets were home to a great civilisation, and our moon was the centre of it all rule by Queen Serenity. All lived in harmony until the arrival of Queen Beryl, her mission was to conquer the universe. To do this she un-leashed the awesome power of the Negaforce. Queen Beryl arrived on the moon ready to conquer it. Queen Serenity's last hope was the power of the imperial silver crystal and the cresent moon wand. Trapped in moon beam crystals, also known as rainbow crystals, Queen Serenitys sent her daughter Princess Serenity and the children of the moon to the Earth of the future. With their memories lost to them, the Queens cat advisors (Luna and Artemis) are sent on a mission to find the princess so she will be safe.

And so the story starts: In the future the princess is known as Serena and as a 14 year old she finds Luna. Luna at this time is injured, or so i think, Serena takes off the bandage on his head to reveal a cresent moon, she is a bit suprised but realises she is late for school and leaves. Serena then returns to her home only to find the cat (luna) already there. Luna, who can talk, then tells Serena that she is a sailor scout and she learns that she is the chosen one. As the proggrame continues four other scouts are found, Sailor mercury, Sailor mars, Sailor jupiter and Sailor Venus. One of which has another cat called artemis, I am not sure who but I think it is Sailor Venus.  
They spend most of the time fighting the monsters of the Negaforce, but they have another mission to find the Moon princess, only to find out later that she was Serena.
There is another dimension to Salior moon series, in the past Princess Serenity was in love with a guy from earth called Darien but this of course Serena cannot remember. Sometimes during battles a masked man appears in the nick of time to save the sailor scouts. Eventually they discover that the masked man is called Darien, but sadly in a battle Darien is injured and is brain washed by Queen Beryl and then is turned against the scouts.
But salior moon is destined to be with Darien and is determined to free him, when they discover Queen Beryls hide out in the north pole they seize the chance to save him.
At the north pole one by one the Sailor scouts are killed the only one reamaining is Sailor Moon.
Queen Beryl then orders Darien to kill Sailor Moon, but Salior moon is able to free him by showing him a locket he had once given her.
In the final battle between Queen Beryl and Serena, Serena (accompanied by the spirits of the scouts) kills Queen Beryl.
Erasing all the scouts memories and concluding the 1st season.   
The Second and Third series
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