The first half of Sailor moon is not important as it is just introducing the characters again.     The scouts memory is restored in the first half because another evil was unleashed once again, and to make a long story short  the scouts cure the evil with love!
The start of the second half of the first season has Serena (salior moon) and Darien together as a couple, they are sitting on a bench about to kiss each other, when a child with pink hair drops out of the sky and lands on their laps. The childs name is Rini and she is sent from the future to find her mother and and the   silver crystal. Shortly after Rini's arrival Darien has nightmares of Serena being hurt if he doesn't stay away from her. So he breaks up with her, thus breaking her heart. To add to that new enimies are introduced, four sisters and a guy called Rubius. They are sent to weaken tokyo so that it is easier to take over in the future. Eventually the sisters are turned good by the scouts, and Rubius is defeated at a later date.
These enimies were sent by the dark moon and a guy called Wiseman. Prince Diamond Saphire and Emerald are introduced, they fight for the Dark moon family, and are back for revenge, as they were once banished to a far away planet.
Salior pluto is introduced and becomes one of the salior scouts friends. But wait on top of it all they discover that Rini is Serena's and Dariens future daughter, and Rini tells Serena how she will become Neo queen Serenity in the future. But soon after this revelation Rini is captured and turned evil. She loses all memories of her childhood and becomes Wicked lady.
In the end Salior moon and the other scouts defeat Wiseman and the Dark moon family.

The third series,
                                             I apoligise but this is in note form.
Salior moon begins with one of her scouts having a vision about the future, and she sees the destruction of earth: Proffesor Tomoe, a mad scientist. will creat monsters which suck the life force out of people.  Salior Uranus and Salior Neptune appear, but do not aid the scouts because they are on a quest to search for a Tailsman which can save the futere.
Later you find out that Sailor Pluto,Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune all pocess these Tailsmans, all in different forms. Serena uses the combined pwer of the tailsmans to transform into Crisis-Make up. Rini meets a girl who eventually becaomes Salior Saturn.
Rini turns into a Scout as Salior Chibi moon or Sailor mini moon.

                                 That is all the information I have on the series. Sorry!
The first series
Character profile
The Sailor Moon Series
Salior moon gallery
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