Weclcome to the wonderful world of Inspiration

About page

The intent of this website is to ensure with just a simple quote your life can move in another direction. The aspect of being able to purchase a shirt that holds your favorite quote will hopefully intend to inspire yourself. Sometimes people need a little push to be inspired by something to go out and create something. This website will hopefully be that to any and everyone.

When it came to making this webiste the idea behind it was dont make it to diffcult. Give everyone a clear understanding out what the site is all about. When it came to color a white background is what i wanted and the picture would bring out the site. Didn't want to have too many colors that would throw off the look.

Being the first time creating a website I would have like to see it work. Meaning such as a real webiste like macy's or something of that sort. I feel being a novice this was a good start for me. Being able to understand the code made me excited to go further. If I had the time outside of everything that I have going on I would continue to build on my skills. In the future i would like to add more options on the page such as a actual search page that would work. Other features that I feel i would like to add would be options to pick size that you would want.