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MEGA the first program in Middle East and the Arab countries that handle pure technology matters,  the Internet, Telecom and more with many accomplishes in the year 2001. Has been on air for 22 month both on Future TV local and international during "Alam Al Sabah" each Thursday at 9:35 AM tune in and give us your opinion.

We are always Watching!

The Future

Recent Comments

Ahmad the honest voice
The Voices of Arabs
From "Ounadikoum" till today Ahmad
made sure never to miss the purpose
of his words. What he believe in is
what should all Arabs act on to
liberate the occupied land. Our
salute to this great man is nothing
in return of what he gave us,
We are proud of what we have
"the voice of freedom:
Ahmad Kaabour"

Family Profile Section

Dr. Ibrahim Tabsh

Dr. Tabsh graduated from King Faisal University Medical School, in June 1988.Dr. Ibrahim tabsh

He joined the Saudi Aramco Physician Development Program in July 1988.
After a preparatory period of Medical Education Development at SAMSO facilities and University of Tulane, he joined the Orthopedic Residency Training program at the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada where he stayed till June 30, 1994.
He completed two fellowships:

  • Adult Lower Extremity Reconstructive  Surgery (Arthroplasty) at St Michael�s Hospital University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 1994-June 1995.

  • Pediatric Orthopedic Fellowship at The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto July 1995-June 1996.

Dr. Tabsh is a Fellow of The Royal College Of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

In June 1996, Dr. Tabsh founded and organized the first annual meeting of the Saudi Medical Post Graduate Trainees in North America. This became an annual event.

Dr. Tabsh joined the orthopedic division at Dhahran Health Center in July 1996 as general orthopedic surgeon with special interests in the two areas of his subspecialties: Pediatric Orthopedics and Lower Extremity Reconstruction. He established a weekly pediatric orthopedic clinic as well as a monthly combined pediatric neuromuscular orthopedic clinic � a multidisciplinary approach toward children with physical disabilities.

He was appointed to the position of Chief of Orthopedic Services at DHC on January 1, 2000.

Dr. Tabsh believes in teamwork and in the full utilization of all support services in our endeavor to reach the common goal of optimal patient care.

Email Dr. Ibrahim Tabsh


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