Now, of course you'd like to know the man behind this all. But don't you worry people. we'll come to that. Sit back and relax grab a beer, and chips and here we go.
I'm not really good in telling stories about myself eh. So I gonna make it short as to spare you with all the details of how I was born. My mother said that I was stilborn. It's a miracle that I live until now.Anyway, that was on the 25th of October in the year of our lord nineteen hundred and seventy three.
Yes folks, count the years, and you know that I'm not anymore a kid at school, you see.
So,as I grew up in a little town somewhere between the mountains and seas, the island. Actually, I'm an islander and a small town kiddo. I'm the youngest among five siblings and all of my older sisters are married and have their own family. Only my mother left since my father passed away when I was 9 years old. I basically grew up without my father. Mother is also busy taking care of us five so we are not really pampered. We are not spoiled brats.
I attended primary school at our little town's elementary school and got some kiddie recognitions too, which made my mother extra happy and proud of her little son.
I moved to the city of after finishing the sixth grade. Then I attended high school in the city. I basically spent my growing up years in my beloved Puerto Princesa and only with my sisters around. Mother of course come to visit us from time to time. The travel from the island with the boat takes much time and uncomfortable. But that's how we lived there. It took me four years before I was able to visit my hometown and another four years after college.
High school and college were the best times. Naturally because it's when we became more aware about the meaning of our existence. High school is when we build our dreams and growing up, mentally, emotionally, physically. College is basically the time when we try to make the dreams into reality.
I joined quite a number of extra curricular activities during college. I really enjoyed being around with people. I finished college with a grant from the university due to my being a member of our college choir; Fair enough, since I enjoyed our singing stints and were always there at university events. I joined several organizations giving voluntary services to the remote communities in my province. There is much to learn to as people from all walks of life esp. those whom I have personally got in contact and affected my life in one way or another.
I finished BS Biology in '95 at the Palawan State University and work at the National Statistics Office for some months. Then wrote for the local newspaper, "The Palawan Sun" for another couple of months and at the City Tourism Office for another couple of months.
Living in (Cottbus) Germany is not that easy. But after almost 8 years being away from home, I have learned so much. Here, everyday is a race for survival, who is not fit, is eliminated. Anyhow, every experience counts and that what gives meaning to our own existence.
My short sojourn (three months) in Italy proved to be a very fruitful, exciting and interesting experience. Careerwise, I think I've got a very profound knowledge there and that would be useful for me in the future. Here is the link to (ITC-ILO / University of Turin and to my beloved (IFCD) members. Viva Italia!!!
Currently, 'm trying to write my dissertation for my Master of Arts in World Heritage Studies, so hopefully, I'd be able to finish this this summer. So, that's it for now. See you around dear visitor. Be well and all the best.


pronunciation: 'i-zm

function: noun
etymology: -ism
date: 1680, a distinctive doctrine or theory.

To the great thinkers of the world, ism is simply; their way of life. The link above provides good information of all ism there is.
I am not a philosopher, but "I think, therefore, I am". Why LwrdcbnISM? It's a new term coined by your's truly to exemplify the tradition in the way of thinking of no other than myself. Others would only follow just what the others are conforming to, but to those few who are following their own -ism, they find it better and easier to be contented with their lot.
Happines comes from the heart and how you make of it. Live life, be yourself.
REposted on: 23.05.2005

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