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Derroll Adams 

Links with info's about Derroll Adams

Ramblin jack
From Jack's bio: "Woody had dropped me off at Will Geer's place in Topanga Canyon where I met Derroll Adams, who was the closest thing to a muleskinner I had ever met at that time. Derroll had been a cowboy and a logger in Oregon and taught himself singing with a five string banjo. They didn't have any five string teachers in Oregon — nobody knew how to play a five string. All they knew how to do was run a skitter, and he was a choker setter and a windfall bucker. But Derroll had something extra. ...."

The ballad of Ramblin Jack-the movie 
Derroll Adams and Jack Elliot performing (1957) Rake & Ramblin' boys on the wedding of Jack and June.

Tucker Zimmerman
New wonderful site about a Tucker Zimmerman who composed "Oregon" for Derroll. One page is dedicated to the bounds between Derroll and Tucker. Both are native from Oregon. They have been working together for a long time.

citing webmaster: "I cannot make a Tucker Zimmerman website and not pay tribute to the late, great Derroll Adams."

Youra Marcus


Belgian banjo player
Hans Theessink BANJOMAN   *  a tribute to Derroll Adams"
"Banjoman" Derroll Adams was a big influence on Hans and many other musicmakers. For the cd we've gathered several of Derroll's friends to sing his songs (Hans, Arlo, Donovan, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Ralph McTell, Dolly Parton, Billy Connolly,  Barney McKenna, John Sheahan, Wizz Jones, Allan Taylor, Happy Traum, Youra Marcus, Tucker Zimmerman  a.o.)
Allen J.Redman  Le Page de Voyageurs du Mardi  
Dick Gauchans memories
Hugo Valcke A fine craftsmen in HANDMADE STRINGED INSTRUMENTS

"Seeing and hearing Derroll Adams play and sing when I was seventeen, was a personal and musical turning point...."

Alex Campbell  Alex was a friend of Derroll and Ramblin' Jack, and spent the 1950's busking and gigging in France and Belgium. Many of his records contained references to Derroll Adams. Alex died in 1987, in Skagen, Denmark. (discography)
Allan Taylor:  Allan Taylor news. Song 'Banjoman'(Susanne Kalweit)
Wizz Jones Wizz Jones: CD Magical Flight: track nr 7  The Valley (5:12)
Anthony Griffiths
In the 60's meeting and playing with legendary American banjo player, Derroll Adams.
Gert de Meijer For a few years Gert played as a professional in folkclubs and performed on TV and radio and played as a supporting act for other players (Ralph McTell, Richard Thompson and Derroll Adams among others).
Roland  often accompanied Derroll 

* other links *

June Shelley   


book: "Even When It Was Bad... It Was Good"
Fragment: "The main act was Jack: a guitar playing folk singer, playing and singing with a banjoplayer called Derroll Adams, whom also lived in Topanga. They played together so well and easily, I presumed they must have been together a long time. I found out later he just met Derroll the previous week at the theatre...."


June Shelley Installed a tile before Will Geer's theatre in Topanga Canyon where Ramblin Jack and Derroll Adams first met and sang together. 

Movies Derroll contributed: Drango Western:  A Union officer faces resistance when he's assigned to reconstruct the Georgia town he plundered during Sherman's march. Derroll plays soundtrack.

Don't look back & (more about the movie: music_uk)

Portland Town documentary by Partick Ferryn

German links: "Ich hoffe nur, du hast ein Banjo in der Nähe" Zum Tod von Derroll Adams
Kai's Folk Ecke other list with a Derroll Adams discography
Tonders festival Danmark :the tribute CD was launched at the festival 2002. Derroll was a yearly guest at the festival 
The Old-Time Herald  Volume 8, Number 8 German Liebeserklärung an Derroll Adams
© DAGBLADET ARBEJDEREN Stille aften for banjomanden
Celtic and Old Time Session Banjo sessionbanjo


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