In this RPG unlike others I worked very hard on it. Another extra to the RPG is that you can live on different planets and get the different Dragonballs on them. There are 2 sets of Dragonballs. The Namekian Dragonballs which give you strong wishes and the earth Dragonballs that give you weaker wish.

The different color lines on the map represent the distances of the planets.

Green = 100,000 Lightyears.
Blue = 300,000 Lightyears.
Yellow = 600,000 Lightyears.
White = 1,000,000 Lightyears.



Earth-This is the home world of the human race. It has regular gravity. It also has a set of Dragonballs. The can grant one wish. They then split up and must be found again.
Earth has one moon.
Travel Times:
Earth to Vegeous- 5 days

Vegeous-This planet has regular gravity. Regular everything. It has 7 fake Dragonballs they do nothing. When you get them the Dragonballs turn to rock. This planet has no known people on it.
Vegeous has no moon.
Travel Times:
Vegeous to Earth- 7 days
Vegeous to Namek- 7 days

Namek-This planet has 5x gravity. This planet is the home world to the Namekian race. There are 7 Namekian Dragonballs. These give you 3 wishes instead of one like the earth Dragonballs.
Namek has two moons.
Namek to Vegeous- 7 days
Namek to Big Ghetti Star- 20 days
Namek to Kanassa- 23 days

Freiza-The planet of the Ginyu. After Freiza takes over a planet he renames it after hisself This is not a really inviting world to all people, only Changelings and Ginyu are allowed on this planet. Their guests too.
Freiza has no moons.
Freiza to Big Ghetti Star- 10 days
Freiza to Vegeta- 8 days

Vegeta-The homeworld of the Saiyan. This planet was destroyed by the Changeling called Freiza.Years later it was wished back. This planet 7x the gravity of earth. Every time you fight and win a battle your stats go up by 2 more. The only people allowed on this planet are Saiyans and their guests.BR> Vegeta has one moon.
Vegeta to Freiza- 8 days

Kanassa-This is your regular planet. The only irregullarity it is its massive size. There are no Dragonballs on this planet There are no beings that call this planet home.
Kanassa has one moon.
Kanassa to Namek 23 days

Big Ghetti Star-This Gigantic mechanical-menace began just a a small chip, but when the chip combined with Killer's brain it fused with other peices of metal and got bigger and bigger. Soon, collectively Vegeta and Goku succeded in destroying this star While on the Big Ghetti Star your Speed goes up by 3 more and your Attack goes up by 3 less.
Big Ghetty Star has no moon.
Big Ghetty star to Freiza- 10 days
Big Ghetty star to Namek- 20 days

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