Life in Mandela's South Africa

The Whites-Only Tax

The ANC government in South Africa has a dream electorate: because most of the people who pay taxes in South Africa are white, and most of the electorate are black, it can waste taxpayers' money to its hearts content, without having to worry about a voter revolt.

The problem is, that after losing millions through theft by its own corrupt officials (in the Eastern Cape alone, one of the poorest provinces, the Heath Commission is investigating corruption to the tune of R 444 m), through wastage (R 65 m spent on the Non-Aligned Movement Summit; R 30m to date on Lesotho), the government is still short of cash to finance its wildly ambitious election promises.

So where will the money come from? Heaven forbid that the government actually ask its supporters to pay for the paradise they live in! I know! We'll just squeeze the whites some more! But making a tax just for them would be unconstitutional, so .... we'll just tax the things they like to do!

So we have ... the Marine Living Resources Act, in terms of which you need:

1. A license to catch bait;

2. another if you use a cast-net;

3. another if you actually go fishing;

4. another if you fish from your boat;

In terms of municipal regulations, you need another permit if your boat has an engine.

Since the number of black people who actually engage in angling is negligible, we have the perfect whites-only tax. The money is supposed to be used to protect marine resources, but even then only part of it! The rest ... well, somebody has to pay Madiba's R 700 000 salary!

What happens to those who can't pay? Well, if you're black, the government will politely look the other way! According to the East Cape Weekend (28 November 1998), Sea Fisheries inspector Dennis Mostert is aware of several (black) fishermen who fish illegally and sell their catch illegally, and has decided not to do anything. So you see, there is one law for blacks and another for whites!

What is the solution? The law must be the same for everybody and it must be enforced! When white people break the law, the authorities take action instantaneously. When black people break the law, there are always a million reasons why it shouldn't be applied to them. Bullshit! How are we ever going to develop respect for the law if, every time it is broken, we say "Never mind, try and obey it next time!". Black people need to realise that this is their country now, and it's time they took responsibility for it! If black people want free houses, water and electricity and everything else, they must realise that there is a price to pay, and START PAYING!

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