Giovanni/Jessy , Giovanni/James
Legalityshippers believe that Giovanni is involved with THE law-enforcer of Pokemon. Some people go the complete opposite direction, believing that he is involved with someone within Team Rocket.

That "someone" usually ends up being either Jessy or James.

I would like to knock James out of the running with this article

As for Jessy, let's see. On Giovanni's part, he regularly calls her a half-wit, a total incompetant, and a failure. ((Nothing like flattering the girlfriend, eh?)) He seems to be annoyed with her and James' failures. Not to mention...does anyone ELSE remember the "Scare in th Air" episode besides me? Giovanni arranged for them to be on that blimp. He was full aware that it would crash, which kind of implies to me that he wanted to, I don't know...
kill them, perhaps? I've heard of going out of your way to hide a relationship, but come on now.

As for Jessy, she's terrified of the man. She's afraid of failing him, and if she were involved with him, I really don't think that she would be that scared of making him mad.

If this relationship does exist, it's one-sided on Jessy's part. Giovanni is clearly not interested; or if he is, he has a strange way of showing it. Killing the girlfriend. Yeah. Real affectionate, there.

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