
Welcome to the brand website of Guisborough based pop-punk coverers Gerbil Bob. Find out all about us on our nice new site! Legend.

the gigs we had booked will now be played by Henry and Ste's new band


They say all good things must come to an end, and unfortunately, Gerbil Bob have come to an end. This will not come as much of a surprise to many people as the core members Ste, Henry and Sally havn't all even been in the same room together since our last gig over 2 months ago! We also havnt even practiced since we recorded our demo - on which Sally recorded her part seperately. Then recently when we were going to try and get stuff sorted for our upcoming gigs - Sally quit! We hope some people enjoyed what we did, we certainly enjoyed playing it and we met a lot of really cool people along the way. We will leave the site up and running for a while longer and feel free to sign the guestbook still. Thanks from


Thanks to all of those who helped and supported us including:

  • Open Season
  • Room 13
  • Weam (although you were an absolute *#%@ a lot of the time!)
  • Too Much Ruth
  • Vicky
  • Nev
  • Dani
  • and anyone else, you know who you are.

Finally, cheers to all of the bands we played with. Thanks for lending us equiptment, getting us gigs etc:

  • Room 13
  • Too Much Ruth
  • Shigeru
  • Fortythree
  • 46 Itchy
  • Maru
  • Bad Day At The Zoo
  • Who Ate Tim? (an acoustic set from John)
  • Coolio Lasagne
  • Hebe
  • In Spite Of The World
  • Ivor
  • The Exiles
  • No Hope Wunders
  • Pot Bellied Pig
  • Pygmys
  • Twinshine
  • Middleman
  • Afterglow
  • Obsidian Machina
Visit the following sites to see what we are all up to:
Room 13 - Henry is the drummer in these!
Hebe - Ste is the bassist in these!
Marigold - Lee's new band
Henry and Ste's new band

Thanks again for all the support that people have given us over the last 6 months or so.
Please note, any gigs we had booked will now be played by Henry and Ste's new band. Cheers.
Seen as we've split up - if you didn't know, theres a secret mini site hidden somewhere on this website and it nicely slags off a fair few people ! Just thought I'd mention it...

Old news can be found here.


Sunday 28th October 2001, whilst listening to Dugong - the eastmoor rules, Pylon self titled EP, kids near water - there is no I in team EP and appleseed cast - the end of the ring wars.


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the band or you are in a band that might want to gig with us, email:

[email protected]


Use the links below and the menu at the left to navigate, click here if there isn't a menu at the left or if you are locked in someone elses frames. (click here if you don't want frames).

Designed and produced by Tom Carden, written and maintained by Henry Carden. Copyright 2001.


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