The Legend of Zelda

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IX. Shipwrecked

After his first great victory, defeating Ganon and returning things to order in all of his beloved Hyrule, Link II set out on a lone mission of training, to hone his skills, sharpen his wits and master techniques of battle from around the world.

Presumably leaving his leadership of the Knights of Hyrule in the hands of another while he was to be away, Link sailed to foreign lands where he disciplined his mind and body alike. When he at last he felt ready to return to Hyrule, he bought a small sailboat and headed across the Great Hyrulean Sea. The journey ended abruptly in a storm that crushed and sank Link's ship.

Clinging to a piece of flotsam, the hero of Hyrule floated toward a mysterious tropical shore, unconscious and barely alive.

When Link washed up on the beach of a mysterious island, he had no energy to stand or cry for help. Through half-closed eyes, he gazed out on a tropical forest with a tall volcano's stunted peak visible in the distance, and he thought it was odd that the volcano was topped by a giant, spotted egg.

At one point, it seemed to him that Queen Zelda III herself was speaking to him and that he was in a soft bed. At times, he thought he was caught in a bizarre dream.
Indeed, Link awoke in a soft bed, but the young woman who tended him was not Zelda, but a young girl by the name of Marin. She had found him and brought him home to heal. From Tarin, Marin's father, he learned that evil creatures had appeared shortly after his arrival. Then, when Link returned to the beach to retrieve his sword, an old, wizened owl flapped down beside him and told him the strangest story he'd ever heard. According to the wise old bird, Link was the hero who had come to wake the Wind Fish, and he couldn't leave until that task had been done.

In the adventures that would inevitably follow, the lot of them taking Link to every corner of the island, Link learned that Koholint Island existed only in the dreams of the Wind Fish... and he was a part of that dream.

According to a wise old owl that would frequently provide him with helpful information, Link had to collect 8 Instrument of the Sirens from the Nightmares. Link collected the Cello from the Tail Cave, The Conch Horn from the Bottle Grotto, the Sea Lily Bell from the Key Cavern, the Surf Harp from Angler's Cave, the Marimba from Catfish's Maw, the Coral Triangle from the Face Shrine, the Organ of Evening Calm from the Eagle's Tower, and the Thunder Drum from Turtle Rock.

After collecting all the Instruments, Link sought out the Egg on top of the volcano on Mount Tamaranch. Once there he played the Ocarina, using a song Marin taught him, and a hole opened in the egg. Link went in side and found a maze. After correctly going through the maze Link dropped into a room where he found the Evil Shadows. Link fought each of the shadows with out having any respite between battles. After Link defeated the Evil Shadows he climbed the stairway up to a platform, where he met the Wind Fish and he played the Song of Awakening again. After playing the song the island disappeared and Link woke up on a piece of driftwood. Link then looked up after hearing a sound and he saw the Wind Fish flying away.

Knowing his friends he had met on his journey were gone, alive now only in memory, Link's victory was a sad one...

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