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Prior to my marriage, I had Pekingese.  My first was Waynallan Suang Yutang (1965); Frank prior to that had Whippets.  Together we started showing the Peke’s but unfortunately Frank was not a profound lover of them.  He made the comment once “If you get a dog that is a dog I will go to the shows with you”.  It was shortly after that, in 1969, that we took in our first Keeshond.  This was one of Gwen McGowan’s, and although not really ours (not transferred) we loved her just the same.  Even if not ours to keep, she was our first Keeshond to learn from. 

Smitten with the breed, we then purchased from Gwen (Taimayr) our first "all ours" bitch.  We bred our first litter of Kees under my Peke prefix Wychien.

Following this we then purchased from Ruth Taylor - Ch Kendari Creamcracker and Ch Kendari Uppercrust.  These were the foundation of the Leifhond Prefix.   In our first litter we produced Ch Leifhond Strandjutter (right) who was our first Leifhond bred champion.  Smurf was indeed then a force to be reckoned with at both Breed level and Group/Show level.  He was consistently an In  Group/Sweepstakes/Show winner.   He tragically died, after accidentally swallowing a sewing needle that had fallen on the floor, before we had the chance to use him at stud.  To this day, I never intertwine my needles in the curtain for safe keeping (a practice many used to do years ago).

We live on a small rural property, in Sth Gippsland, having moved there many years ago, so we could have the room to have our dogs (and Frank his cows/horses/chooks and birds - you name it we have got it).


On the personal level, we have twin sons Christopher and Craig (yes silly peoples used the same initial for them, guess we did not think far ahead enough to when they would be getting there own mail addressed to C Wyhoon).  We have a daughter Leanne-Tamika who has followed on with the Kees with her own Prefix Leifleidon . (Interpreted this is Leif as in Leifhond and Leidon as in Leading on from Leifhond.  Leanne has bred 2 litters, from our Leifhond stock and had great success with these.

Craig, Chris, Leanne, Frank and Margeret

Most if not all of our show stock have gone on to win In Groups/Shows/Royal Challenges/ and BISS over the many years.  We are very proud of there achievements and of the few people who we have sold to over the years who have also achieved high status in the ring.  Thank You to all those who have purchased or used Leifhond and   “Who have shown their loyalty to us and the breed”

We still continue on with many successful dogs in both the ring and breeding, but have only on rare occasions done outcrosses, preferring to endeavour to keep many of the qualities of the dogs of yesterday.   Our finest outcross was the importation of Aust/Can Ch Alpines Just The One (Imp Can).  JJ has proven his worth not only in the ring with Best Exhibits in Group and Multiple Classes in Groups, but passed these winning benefits onto his progeny, including his adorable temperament.  He is known as “the clown” at home.

We rarely advertise or brag our wins, preferring instead to enjoy what we do and what our dogs achieve for our own satisfaction. Ultimately this is why on the rare occasions we do advertise I always use the words “the Quiet Achievers”

This is us with our Number One Grandson, Tyler. Living in Western Australia, we rarely get to see him.


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