Our BIG Boy Has Arrived!
Jackson Kincaid was born on August 17, 2001 at 5:22 p.m. after eleven hours of labor! He weighed in at a whopping 9 pounds 4.4 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long!! His head and chest measured 14 inches. Daddy cut his umblilical cord and also helped Mommy all throughout the labor. He & Jolene were very valuable assets!!! Lucas & I will never ever be able to repay Jolene for all that she did for us during this special time. It meant so much to us to have her there and I only hope that one day I can repay the favor.
Jackson, Daddy, & Mommy came home on August 19 and Grandma & Grandpa Sanderson, Aunt Autumn, Uncle James, & Jolene were all there to welcome them.
Jackson is about 6 weeks old now and already can do so many things!! He's beginning to hold his head up on his own at a 90 degree angle and push himself up on his arms while laying on his tummy. He smiles and coos at anyone who will take the time to listen. He loves to dance, be read to, and watch his Pooh mobile. Jackson laughed for the first time on October 6th, 2001!

******UPDATE!! 15 OCTOBER 2001*****
Jackson rolled over for the first time today...and Mommy missed it!! During his nap, he rolled from his tummy to his back! Mommy walked in and he was 'talking' to his Pooh friends on his mobile! And of course, he has yet to repeat that feat!!!! Grrr!!

We'll try to update his pages as much as possible and keep lots of pictures on here. Please be patient for updates those, as this lil' guy keeps us very busy!! We want to thank everyone who has showered Jackson with all their gifts, thoughts, cards, & prayers - we greatly appreciate your thoughtfullness!
Pregnancy Journal Pages
Next -More Pics of Jackson!
Jackson - Not quite 24 hours old yet!
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