Day 4: Zermatt
Woke up with a bad case of hangover.  Good thing we didn't have to get up too early for the trip to Gornegrat to see the infamous Matterhorn.  Gornegrat is about 45 minutes by rail from Zermatt, and is a must-see if one's visiting Zermatt.  Normally the trip would've cost 59 US per person, but since the Geneva city tour didn't happen, the tour guide made the trip free for us.  It was beautiful up in the mountains, with the Matterhorn peak and the glaciers so close.  The weather was great the day we went up and it was surprisingly warm (29'C and at around 10,000 ft above sea level).  After we got back to Zermatt again, we did some more shopping (of course).  Some lady in the our tour group fell, dislocated her shoulder and broke her foot.  That didn't stop her from completing this trip though.  *clap clap*   I was THE bellhop for 5 people for the next 6 days.

matterhorn.jpg (96060 bytes)
It's all good as long as you don't look down.

To where the jetsets go...

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