Icieey & other odd people

I'll put pictures up.... someday.

So who's Icieey? She is:

  1. TV provider
  2. Soft drinks (mainly Coke) provider
  3. She singlehandedly converted me and minion 2 into hockey fans
  4. Amusement provider
  5. Goddess of all waiters (i.e. Bento and that Vietnamese guy)
  6. Future TSN reporter (or CBC... she'll one day take over Ron Mclean's job)... Her replies to Couch's Question of the Day have been posted 7 times as of date in response to the following topics... Unfortunately the links have all died after the Couchmaster left TSN. Boohoo.
    1. Is cancelling this weekend's slate of games a victory for the terrorists or simple the right thing to do?
    2. North American Sports are coming back. Are you, as a fan, ready to come back as well?
    3. Do you have any advice for those who feel guilty about getting back into sports?
    4. Will it be especially sweet if Canada defeats Russia to win the World Junior Hockey Championship?
    5. Should Theo Fleury be replaced on the Team Canada roster due to his inappropriate on-ice behaviour?
    6. Has skating's 'credibility' been irreparably damaged by Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze winning gold?
    7. Is there ever any excuse for fans at a sporting event who show disrespect during an anthem or a ceremony?

"If you wear a bunch of Synergy hockey sticks when you go and rob a bank, you'll be protected because the police will be laughing too hard to shoot straight�oh yeah, and they're also made of kevlar." - Icieey doing her hockey talk again. If you can afford those damn sticks you wouldn't be robbing the bank in the first place... and speaking of kevlar...

"I know some Italian... hmm... Lasagna... (Wendy inserts: spaghetti, mamma mia)... Parmesan... Alex Tagliani !" -- Icieey talking about her Italian skills.

"I'm hungry. (Wendy says: I have breadsticks[from Sunday and it's Wednesday now]... I'm not hungry."

"Icieey's sick; her stomach's crushed to itty bitty pistachio pieces." -- Icieey after hearing about Cujo's injury.

"I feel sick. I read the thing about Mogilny and I was about this close to running to the washroom... until I realized the extra-long pant leg of my too-big pants was caught under my rolly-chair." -- Icieey's reaction (on ICQ) when she heard about Alex Mogilny's injury.

"... Sundin the banana." -- Icieey, in a Paki accent (or a Swedish accent gone horribly wrong), commenting on what Team Sweden's uniform does to Mats Sundin's complexion.

So Sunday was Cart racing, but Icieey and I tuned out of it when Teamplayer's Pat Carpentier crashed in the wall before the race even started and then his backup car broke down, and Alex Tagliani crashing out before the race was half done. But I kept checking periodically to see the rankings, and at one point here were only 12/20 still in the race. (You need to be in the top 12 to get points, btw)... so Icieey asks, "I wonder if you still get points if you can't finish the race and you're still in the top 12?" Right after that a Japanese dude's engine broke down. Icieey's a psychic (she also jinxed the Salt Lake short track speed skating event when they all crashed...)scary........
p.s. by the end only 10/20 guys finished the race...

To understand the funny part you need to realise Icieey's real name is rather unique... (also check out the new addition to Minion2's file)
Icieey: "My mom wanted to call me Sarah but my dad was trying to be creative."
Long pause.
Icieey: "The last time he tried to be creative he wrecked our bush." (Her dad was trying to shape the bushes on their front lawn...)

A technician at LinkSys asks Icieey for her location:
Icieey: "...Toronto."
Tech: "That's in Canada right?"
Icieey: "Yeah... is that a bad thing?"
Tech: "...No... unless you like hockey and Molson."
What's that supposed to mean???

Icieey was trying to invite a friend of mine to come watch hockey with us on the weekend... but I thought the friend might mistake our (my) intention... so Icieey says,
"'US'... it's communal. But if it gets too communal I'll just go to my bedroom."

Icieey was getting a massage from Minion 2...
Minion 2: "How much pain can you take?"
Icieey: "Quite a lot... I'm a Leafs fan, remember?"

A conversation between me and Icieey about her fish...
Pengling: "Your fish are spawning..."
Icieey: "No! I don't want more fish!"
Pengling: "Why not?"
Icieey: "Having fish isn't what it's all crapped up to be."

Cecil, referring to someone we know, "Ok, he's not sketchy, but he's definitely doodleling."
Icieey replies, "You're practically a painting... Picasso."
Cecil's last attempt: "And you're van Gogh."

From the Minion 2 file:

"I think I've just drowned my fish." - after Minion 2 finished changing the water for her fish

"I'll come over and watch hockey at half-time." [Icieey and I ask, "After the 2nd quarter?"] "Yes." - Minion 2 didn't know that a hockey game has 3 periods, not 4 quarters.

Icieey and I were chatting one evening when Minion 2 crashed my room. She was going to take a shower (or as she calls it, a bath) but all the showers were taken. So we carried on chatting when suddenly a phone rang. Minion 2's cordless phone.[see note below] Yup, the same Minion 2 who was going to take a shower. I swear that phone is permanently tethered to her hand.
[Note: That phone is really mine... but then I have no need for it this year, so I lent it to Minion 2. Maybe I should put restrictions on the usage of my phone.]

"Where did your dad find your name? On the internet?"
-- Minion 2, not realising that 21 years ago the internet, for the majority of us, didn't exist.

And from the rest of my random friends (and occasionally me):

"You know, when tables get old, they die." - Pengling's console to Ellen when her table collasped.

"It gets boring after a while." - James, commenting on male masturbation.

Some people are just so hard to please...
Andrew: "I wouldn't want to travel all the freakin way to Canada to attend your funeral."
Pengling: So as long as I die nearby it's ok for you....
Andrew: Hm..... depends if it is London zone 1 or not.
Pengling: So as long as I die nearby it's ok for you..?
Andrew: No, there'll be rumors if you die REAL close to me.
Pengling: How close should I die then?
Andrew: There's a standard distance of 700 m - 15 km.
Pengling: What street would you prefer me to die in?
Andrew: Hyde Park Corner. Near Hyde park, pretty nice view to die for... Ok, if you die in Hyde Park, I'm gonna buy you an ice cream cone.

"I suspect he has to move because everyone there is sick of his arrogance... prey on a new population of innocents." -- The Swearing Penguin.

Small blunder by Pengling when she visited the Hockey Hall of Fame with Icieey... (note: Pengling is from Ottawa, which makes her a Sens fan)
Pengling, looking at the Stanley Cup and pointing to this year's spot:"Toronto Maple Leafs."
Icieey, a Leafs fan and a closet Sens fan, shocked:"You know what that means, right?"
Pengling:"Party?" (She was thinking there may be a huge party in Toronto.)
Icieey:"No.... that means the Leafs have to beat the Sens to win."
Pengling: "..............."

"If we can't laugh at ourselves, who can we laugh at." -- Marc Lubin '02

Cecil, asking Minion 2:
"Suppose you hit a home run in a particular ballpark... I don't want to know how long it took you to ran the plates, but I want to know how long you took to celebrate before the umpire came to clean things up."

Cecil's new definition of OHIP: Ontario Healthy Intercourse Plan

After dinner on Valentine's Day...
Francois (singing): "Mary had a little lamb... and I ate it."

Take me back to a place that makes slightly more sense...

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