Lemonhead's Complete A to Z Of The Curse Of Monkey Island.

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A: Andre (King) - The bald smuggler who plays you in poker for the Goodsoup family diamond.

Mt. Acidophilus - The lactose intolerant volcano the Vegetarian Cannibals sacrifice to on Blood Island.

B: Blondebeard (Captain) - The bloke with the gold tooth.

Big Whoop - The secret to immortality (if you want to bbe undead) that LeChuck discovers are the gates to Hell.

Brimstone Beach Club - The sandy peninsula off Plunder Island which the Cabana Boy runs.

Blood Island - The mysterious island where Lemonhead lives and where the Goodsoup Hotel is.

Barbery Coast - The barber shop 'where every haircut is an adventure'.

Biscuits 'N' More - The maggoty biscuits in Blondebeard's Chicken Shop.

C: Cuthroat Bill - The small pirate who you give the gold tooth.

Cabana Boy - The posh kid who objects to you sunbathing..

Cruff - King Andre's sidekick who points a gun at you.

Carnival Of The Damned - The fairground where LeChuck 'recruits' his army.

Captain Marley - Elaine's Grandfather.

D: Dinghy Dog - The big cuddly dog who works for LeChuck.

Danjer Cove - Where you get your ship, the Sea Cucumber.

Dynamo Monkelectric - The power which LeChuck runs his Carnival Of The Damned on.

E: Elaine Marley - The Governor of Puerto Pollo's daughter and Guybrush's true love.

Efete LaFoot - The stupid winch operator who drops you off Skull Island.

El Pollo Diablo - The devil chicken of Plunder Island who caused trouble for Blondebeard.

F: Feral Chicken - The cool native poultry to Plunder Island.

G: Guybrush Threepwood - The main character, enough said.

Griswold Goodsoup - The drunken but helpful owner of the Goodsoup Hotel and who you become related to.

Grog - The famous drink for all foul smelling pirates.

H: Haggis McMutton - The big scotsman who you beat in a Caber tossing contest and joins your crew.

I: Ipecac - The flower common to Plunder Island that you make a sickly syrup from to give the snake.

J: Bit 'O' Jerky - The meat flavoured bubblegum you get from the Voodoo place in the swamp.

K: Kenny Falmouth - The cheapskate kid who rips you off at his lemonade stall and then sells you cannons.

L: LEMONHEAD - The coolest character in the game. He's a Vegetarian Cannibal and sacrifices fruit to the volcano god.

LeChuck - The most evil character in the game and Guybrush's arch enemy. Also a zombie pirate.

LeChimp - The inactive captain of the Sea Cucumber, it's crew, a load of monkeys.

Lost Welshman - The ferryman who runs between Blood Island and Skull Island.

M: Mr.Fossey - The weird little monkey that serves LeChimp.

Mort - The Blood Island cemetarian and undertaker.

Murray - The second best character in the game. This evil demonic skull meets Guybrush many times along his journey as friend and foe!

Monkey Island - The island where it all began and where LeChuck makes his Carnival Of The Damned.

Minnie Goodsoup - The ghost of an ancient Goodsoup family member.

Mutual Of Stan - The place where Stan makes his office from a crypt on Blood Island.

N: (Captain) Nick's Shaving Foam - The bottle that fell from the Blood Island shipwreck.

O: Old Blind Pew - The smelly dog who bites you when you pinch his hair.

P: Plunder Island - The first island in the game where Puerto Pollo is.

Puerto Pollo - The main town you pass through and gain your crew.

Palido Domingo - The film maker whose back you get the map off.


R: Rottingham (Captain) - This ponce steals your map to Blood Island and you kick his butt to get it back.

Rum Rogers - A crew member from the ship LeChuck encounttered and beat to Monkey Island.

Rapp Scallion - Another crew member from that LeChuck beat to the secret of Big Whoop.

S: Stan - The infamous 'dodgy' salesman who's arms never stop. You buy life insurance from him then get loadsa money.

Sea Cucumber - Your ship which you get from LeChimp.

Skull Island - The duck shaped island where the smugglers live.

Smuggle Bunny - The little cuddly toys to shove stolen goods in.

Slappy Cromwell - The actor in Puerto Pollo who rewrote Shakespeare.

T: Theres A Monkey In My Pocket - A popular childrens song that you can sing to Van Helgen in the Barbery Coast.

U: Undead Army - LeChucks unaware and probably unwilling clan.

V: Van Helgen - The posh pirate that you slap to fight him with banjos.

Voodoo Lady - The plump psychic who gives you some information at the start of the game.

W: Wally - The small failure of a pirate who you meet at the start of the game.

Wharf Rat - The smelly character who owns the pie slingging stall at the Carnival.

X: Madame Xima - The other psychic who gives you five death cards.

Y: Young Lindy - One of the crew of the ship that LeChuck came across while searching of Big Whoop.



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