CMI Walkthrough

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Easy Version - Normal Monkey puzzle

Part I

The Demise of Zombie Pirate LeChuck

Get Wally to cry by talking to him and he'll drop his false hook, pick it up. Then take the gaff off the wall and use it with the hook. Then use the cannon and shoot all the boats. Look out of the porthole and use the gaff with the floating arm. If you want you can talk to the awesome Murray. Finally use the cutlass and cut the cannon restraint rope and then fire it. When you're in the upturned ship pick up the bag of wooden nickels and the ring behind it. Use the ring to cut the porthole.


The Curse Gets Worse

On the beach pick up the glowing ember and walk towards you and up to the swamp. Go inside the grounded voodoo boat. Pick up the pin in the paper voodoo dolls and use the wooden nickels with the gum machine. Pull the alligator's tongue and speak to the voodoo lady. After that go to Puerto Pollo (the town port). Use the side door of the town hall in the centre of the town and pickup the 'dandruff' from the coat hanging up and the glove from the pocket. Also pickup the magic wand and use it with the magic hat. A book will appear and you pick it up. Exit the room and go to the barber shop. There's a gobstopper on the floor, pick it up and when Haggis puts down his comb use the lice with it. Then get in the chair and use the handle on the chair and collect the pebble from the book. Keep using the handle when Haggis is gone and pull the scissors out of the roof. Leave there and go to the plants next to Kenny's lemonade stall. Use the scissors with the flowers to get one, but use it once more and cut down all the flowers. When you're on the cliff edge walk forward until a snake eats you, pick up all the stuff in his body. Use the pancake syrup with the Ipecac flower you just cut and give it to the snake's head. When you fall into the quicksand grab the thorny plant to get a thorn and also the reeds to get a reed. Use the balloons with the stone then click blow the balloon. When it's stopped use the thorn with the reed and select it on the balloon. Hey presto you're out. Now you've got the reservation slip go to the chicken shop. Pick up the club card from the rotten chicken and then pat the dead bloke on the back. Pull the knife out of his back. Give Blondebeard the jawbreaker and then the bubblegum. When he blows a bubble use the pin with it and pick up the golden tooth. Now go outside and go up the walkway by the town hall in the top right corner. When you're up there go up to the grassy knoll and use the serrated knife with the sawhorse then put the glowing ember with the trail of rum. Now go back to the barber shop and show the gold tooth to Cutthroat Bill. Ask Haggis to join your crew and challenge him to Caber tossing and you'll win because of the rubber Caber you made. For the final member of your crew use the glove with Van Helgen and fight him. Close the gun lid and select the banjo. When he starts to play have a piece of paper ready to write down the order in which he pauses and picks a string. Number 1 is at the top and 5 at the bottom. When it's your turn copy his moves. When he's defeated go to the gun pile and pick one up. Shoot his banjo with it. Now you've got your crew. Now you need a ship so got to Danjer Cove on the map of Plunder Island and use the boat. When you get to the pirate ship use knife with the plank and cut it off. Now go aboard, get tarred and feathered and go back to the chicken restaurant. You'll be hit into a barrel and end up on the pirate ship. Use the ventriloquism book with Captain LeChimp then when Mr. Fossey's gone open, and climb out of the window. Now go to the town hall side entrance again and go upstairs and pull the handle of the controls. Go back to the map view and go to the little stretch of island on the right. Show the Cabana Boy your club card and then pick up three towels from the pile. Dip them in the ice bucket and use them on the Cabana Boy to get rid of him. Pick up the cooking oil and go onto the beach. Place the towels on the sand one by one until you get across. Pick up the mug off the man's stomach and go through the cane door back to Puerto Pollo. Switch the mug with the bottomless one on Kenny's stall by using them with each other then ask him for a drink. He'll be annoyed and walk off, pick up the pitcher and fill it from the dye vats next to his stall. Return to Brimstone Beach and put the mug back on the bloke's stomach then pour the dye pitcher into the mug. When he turns over use the cooking oil with the map on his back and then peel it off. Go to the town hall side entrance again and use the chicken grease with the cannon balls in the trunk. Now you've cleared the stage simply use the shovel and you've got Elaine back.

Part III

Three Sheets To The Wind

This is one of the most annoying parts of the game but stick with it. When the song has finished look at the map. Select a pirate ship other than Rottingham to fight. You have to beat the pirate ship first then beat the pirates at insults. The insults have to rhyme and make sense. Each time you beat a pirate look on the map and go back to Plunder Island. Kenny will be there selling cannons. Buy the ones you can afford each time. When you've got the best cannon (the Destructomatic T47) it's time to face Rottingham. When you beat him at cannons he will use special insults, it could take some time before you work out the corresponding reply. After you beat him at that it's off to Blood Island.

Part IV

The Bartender, The Thieves, His Aunt And Her Lover

This a long one just like part II was so be prepared. First talk to Haggis after his 'mutiny' speech and find out how you get some of his lotion. Then pick up the shaving foam from the beach right by you. When you get the map view go to the cemetery and walk through it until you get to an area with grave digging tools and a dog. Pick up the mallet and chisel from the bench. Then pick up the dog biscuits and feed them to the dog and he'll bite you. Also pinch some of his hair. Go back to the map view and to the hotel. Where the bartender is, there is a stool with a cushion, take the cushion. Also you'll see a fat woman there talk to her and eventually she'll give you 5 tarot cards. Next open the door you can see behind Madame Xima and go in. You'll see a big roll of cheese, use the chisel to hack some off it. Also take the magnet from the refrigerator in that room. Now go back to the map view and go to the windmill. You should see a pepper plant there, take some. On the map view again, go to the strange lights. When you're in the little village, on the table where all the food is, take the big block of tofu. Across the way there is a table, on it there is a wooden auger and a metal jug, pick them both up. In your inventory use the auger with the tofu. Click use tofu mask and continue walking up the village wearing the mask. When you come to Lemonhead he'll show you up to the volcano. When the sacrifice is complete drop the cheese into the volcano and it will explode. Go back to the map view and visit the beach. By the trees on the floor there are some rocks, use the cushion with them. Now hit the tree with the mallet so that the egg falls down, then collect it. Go back to the hotel and give the bartender the dog hair, the pepper and the egg. When he makes the hangover remedy he'll give you the rest. Now ask him for a drink. Take the umbrella he gives to you and use the chisel with the hangover remedy and mix it with the drink on the bar. Now drink the mixture and you should be dead in seconds. When you are in the tomb use the chisel with the coffin lid (you're in the bottom right one) and take the nails out of the now open coffin. Again use the chisel with the central coffin to release Stan and he'll get you out of the tomb. Return to the hotel and go upstairs where there are two doors. Go into the first one and there will be a nail in the wall which you should hit with the mallet. Get out of the room and pick up the nail from the floor. Then go into the second room where there is a fold up bed. Pull it down and then use the nails with the bed to hold it down. Finally it needs one more nail so use the single one you just got. Now pick up the book of Goddsoup family history off the dead man and go downstairs. Pick up the empty jar by the brochures on the bar. Talk to Griswold and say 'I don't believe we've met'. Now say 'What do you know about the lost ring of Blood Island' and then ' I thought if I died, I'd be buried with you're Aunt'. Then choose ' Uncle Griswold! It's me! Don't you recognise me?', then choose any name you want and then reselect, 'I could just talk about Goodsoup history all day'. Now you're a Goodsoup ask him for a drink and mix the Head-B-Clear with it again and you'll die again. Now you will be in the Goodsoup crypt. Walk to the left past the ghost until you come to an empty coffin. Pick up the crowbar and walk around the other side. Murray will drop down and you have to pick him up. Now go to the crack in the wall and look through. Use the skeleton arm with the lantern and then put it on the coffin behind you. Now use Murray with the lantern to scare Mort into opening the crypt door. Now you can get out. Go back to the hotel and into the cheese room where you will find a death certificate. Pick it up and go the graveyard and into the Mutual Of Stan. Give him the gold tooth and then give him the death certificate. Take the money he gives you and go back to the hotel. Where the cooking pot is outside put some cheese in it. Then select pick it up and you'll take it to Haggis where you can take the lotion. Return to the windmill and open the door, when you're upstairs use the jar with the sugar water and go to the clearing where Elaine is. Use the auger with the jar lid and set the jar down on the stump. When the fireflies are in there put the lid on. Now use the slippery lotion with the cursed diamond ring and pull the ring off her finger. Now go up to the lighthouse. Use the lantern you have made with the lantern post. Now go to the beach. Use the pin with the magnet and then with the cork. Use the measuring cup with the seawater and put the cork and pin into the jug. Now give the compass to the Lost Welshman and then ask him for a ride out to Skull Island. When you're there you should start at the top where you ask the winch operator for a lift down. When he drops you use the umbrella from your inventory and float down to the smuggler's cave. Tell King Andre about you having money and choose any name you want. Then talk to him and say about the diamond ring. Now play him at poker and when you are dealt the cards play the five tarot cards to King Andre. Now let the game take it's course and you'll be back on Blood Island. Go to the hotel and upstairs to the dead man's room. Use the crowbar on the boarded up hole and then with the bed. Pick up the engagement band in the crypt from the floor. Now use the ring with it. Go to the clearing and use the ring with Elaine's finger and that's it.

Part V

Kiss Of The Spider Monkey

After listening to LeChuck waffle for ages you'll find the door open but you're 8 years old. Take the pepper from the snowcone place and then talk to Dinghy Dog. Tell him you bet he can't guess your age. When you win choose the anchor (not Murray) and slip it into one of the pies on the pie slinging stall. Ask Wharf Rat to fire the cannon when the mime man has gone use the gate and go round to the hole. Look through and you'll get a pie in the face but also some meringue. Now select push on Dinghy Dog several times until he bites you and you grab his hair. Go and get a snowcone from the soda jerk and put the pepper and meringue and the smelly dog hair on the snowcone. Now eat it and you'll return to full size.

Part VI

Guybrush Kicks Butt Once Again

On the rollercoaster pick up the barrel of rum from Rum Rogers by the fake ship. On another stop collect the fallen rope. On yet another stop pickup the flask of oil. Now go to the stop where the ice and snow are and go up to the big monkey. Shove the barrel through it's arm. Soak the rope in the oil and attach it to the barrel. Now go down to the bottom and wait for LeChuck. When he arrives as he raises his hands to burn you open your inventory and select the pepper. Use it on him and he'll sneeze. He lights the fuse and..... You win the game.

This walkthrough was brought to you by Lemonhead The Cannibal.


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