July 11, 2005 -
"AFTER YOU" available for download.
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Last Update: March 20, 2009
Oct.15, 2006 -
A new album is being recorded. It will be a blend of all acoustic songs.
Feb 25, 2007 -
The 7th album " Weirding Ways"  is finally complete and ready for release. Click here for album details.
Mar. 19, 2007 -
"SOMEWHERE ELSE" available for streaming. The new single from Weirding Ways.
May 25, 2008 -
DEN is currently working on an 8th album. There is no release date yet.
Sept.17,2008 -
"EVEN IF WE EVEN WANTED" available for streaming.
Feb.19,2009 -
After much delay DEN has finally finished writing songs for the 8th album and will start recording soon..." Most of the songs were rewritten...some songs needed to be thrown out..."
Feb.26,2009 -
DEN has teamed up with New Music Canada at CBC radio3 to enable streaming of more songs. Yucatan, Beautiful Fluoride, Not My Friends,Perfect Body have all been added to the list.
March 20,2009 -
2 new songs from the soon to be released album "Home in the Faraway" are now available for streaming at CBC Radio3.
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