
everyone Whispers at death...

The sudden C r e e p i n g soul

to take RESPONSIBILTY for action.

designers for life


We look for quality and Value

in an arriving problem

Before our sense is cold.

So much defense to Protect Something we love.

{All About Me! Come on, you know you want to click here..}
{American Beauty} {Life, Dreaming and Inspirations}
{Forever} {My Lame DVD Collection}
{September 11, 2001}
{Kim and Gary's House}

This is my sister Cheryl and her son Ethan Lamont Baxter-Mackey!
Better know as my nephew and godson! Ethan was born on January 21,
2005 at 9:18 PM EST. He weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and was 20 inches long.
This picture was taken on March 25th at my parents house in Upstate NY.
He's only really smiling here because he has gas, but I like to pretend
because it's his favorite aunt telling him to smile and because he
loves his mommy (of course)! He's such a little cutie and he's such a good baby!

I'm slowly, but surely moving pages from
my Angelfire page to Geocities because
I'm sick of trying to maintain the one
at Angelfire, I haven't worked on it in
like 8 months. So check back periodically.

Dudley Castle
Dudley Castle
moon 1

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