All About Kim

Hello, I'm Kim.� This is my lack of HTML page.� I really hate HTML.� It pisses me off.� So I'm using this thing because I'm bored and I wanted to see how it worked.

Let's see... if you really want to know about me, since this is who the page is about, I'll tell you, because I'm so great.

I was born to my parents, Marianne and Frank, on March 15th of 1981.� I have one brother and three sisters. Frank, Michelle, Cheryl (cherble) and Gina. Frank's annoying most of the time, even though we used to get along so well. I told him the other day that I was really glad that he turned into an asshole. Michelle... let's not start on this topic, I might never finish. CHERBLE!!! Me and Cherble take little trips all over the place when we don't feel like listening to our father bitch about things. Gina is our adopted sister, she's going through her emotional teenager thing right now and is getting on everyone's nerves, but that's what happens, so I deal with it.

My best friends are Oriana, Angela, Judee, Mindy (and her husband Donny and daughter Taylor), Tammy and Bob.� I'm totally in love with the most amazing, wonderful and perfect person for me... Gary... I can't believe how much I completely love him and how much he loves me back... I'll love him always :) Gary and I got married on August 3rd 2003, we're so happy together, it's amazing and great and I love him with all my heart.

I wanted to share my tattoos with everyone!! I love sharing my tattoos, I'm really obesessed. I have four so far and am planning on getting a few more before I'm forever done. I have a tribal rose combination thing on my right calve (the tattoo on the bottom of it was fake, I got it when I was in Mexico). I have a tribal lotus combination on my upper back, which hurt like a mother. Then, for some odd reason, I put myself through the pain of getting another tattoo on my lower back.. this one is a Celtic shamrock which I just love (those spinal tattoos hurt like a bitch, I don't recommend them). I got this celtic snake in May of 2001. It's cool, I like it. I got a fairy in May of 2002 on my left shoulder. It's just beautiful. So, on the subject of body modification, I also have like 14 earrings.

Alright, enough out of me. Later.

"so impressed with all you do tried so hard to be like you flew too high and burnt the wing lost my faith in everything..."
~nine inch nails, somewhat damaged

More Stuff That's All About ME!!



This is Gary and I in the limo, just after the church ceremony at our 2nd wedding.

Some cool crap

Generation Terrorists

The Crime Library

Harry Potter!

Metamorphosis Tattoo, where I got my tattoos

Me, myself and I: who else would it be about?


Kimberly Ann Rose Moore


[email protected]

I don't even have this thing hehe Tell me why it's on here!!
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