Welcome to RMbLC

Memoirs of a Virtual Caveman by Rob Stangman - Available NOW!

Memoirs of a Virtual Caveman is the story of one man's view of the ever changing world of videogames and the impact they've had on his life throughout the years. From the fall of Atari to the emergence of the Sony PlayStation and beyond, Rob relates the experiences that he and his friends had during the golden age of gaming, his experiences with importing and his feelings on the current state of gaming. Also featured are additional contributions by Len Clark, Mike Plasket, Sam A. McComb, Ian Donegan and Sage Lennon Gerard.

I'm mentioned in this book, and I also contributed a story that was included in this book. So, please, check it out by clicking on the link in the image.

Welcome to RMbLC. What is RMbLC, you might ask? First of all, RMbLC stands for Random Musings by Len Clark. What might that be, you say? Well, let me add that RMBLC is:

  • My Writings - I wrote a lot when I was younger and some of it was really, really good. Unfortunately, I've lost all the good stuff, so this junk will have to suffice...
  • My Blog - powered by Blogger -  Where the real "Random Musings by Len Clark" end up. Whenever the hell I get around to writing them, that is.
  • My Links - Well, duh! It's a list of links. Rule #1 of good site design is have a lot of links, and so... Try 'em, you'll like them. I'm sure of it.
  • Theater - This part of the site explores the shows I've done, the people I've met, and the life I've lived in the Southeastern Connecticut theater scene.
  • Digital Entertainment - Music, Movies, Video Games, and Television. You know, the destroyers of Western culture and civilization. The corrupters of our innocent children. The vast cultural wasteland... Don't you just love it? You know you're addicted. Don't try to deny it. You're only hurting yourself.
  • Sports - I live my life through my favorite sports teams. When they win, I'm happy. When they lose, I'm not happy. And when they lose the big game... uh, let's just say that you really don't want to be around me.
  • The RMbLC Store - A collection of merchandise emblazoned with the RMbLC logo in a desperate and shameless attempt to make money. Hey! At least I'm honest about being desperate and shameless.
  • My Radio Station - (Powered by LAUNCH.com) A man can be measured by the music he listens to. This radio station, based on my artist and song ratings, is perhaps, a better judge of my musical tastes than  my CD collection.
  • Len on MySpace - Yeah, I have a MySpace page... who doesn't by now? I hardly ever use the damn thing. But still, check it out anyway.

That, I think, sums it up pretty well. It's an odd amalgamation of my thoughts, ideas, likes, and dislikes, with the occasional psychotic rant thrown in for good measure. It's a place to publish my writings and other expressions of creativity. It is, quite simply, my world.

Anyway, jump right in and swim around. Just watch out for the sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads.


  • 05/29/2008 - Well, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has been out now for about a week, and I've seen it twice. So, therefore, I've decided to take down the widget and return the site to its old look. I also took down the tenth anniversary stuff.
  • 04/15/2008 - Happy tenth anniversary, RMbLC...
  • 3/30/2008 - What's with the new look. It's an homage to the return of one of my most favorite movie series of all time, Indiana Jones. So from now until the end of May, this is how RMbLC is going to look. Plus, I've decided to phase out my LiveJournal and have moved to my new Blog.
  • 2/13/2008 - Did some cleaning up to the Links section, and some overall maintenance. Added a list of Games I've Beaten to the Video Games section (Yea, new content!)
  • 2/13/2008 - Finally, after six months, I've got my computer up and running again... added new books, CD's, DVD's and Xbox games to their respective lists.
  • 8/20/2007 - More Xbox games for the pile...
  • 6/06/2007 - Added three new games to the Xbox collection.
  • 5/07/2007 - More housekeeping...
  • 5/05/2007 - Did a little housekeeping to the Links section, and to my DVD collection.
  • 5/04/2007 - We are back in business...
  • 2/27/2007 - Successfully recovered the Links section.
  • 2/25/2007 - Relaunched RMbLC in its new home.
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Pyramid Scheme Productions, 1998 - 2007
Last Updated:April 15, 2008 10:54 AM



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Len on MySpace
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