Link Buttons
RMbLC Link Button
Shattered Destiny Link Button
West Mansion Link Button

Graphics created using
Graphics created with Paint Shop Pro 7

The History

To be blunt, this is the furthest PSP has come to being an actual entity. From '97 to July, 2001 all PSP was was a name on a few of my websites (some of which are no longer with us). Nothing more, just a name. It didn't stop a certain credit card company from sending me an application for a business credit card. I didn't apply, though, because PSP wasn't a company. The only other piece of work to sport the PSP name was a 19-second movie that I made with my webcam. It's not much to look at and will probably never... EVER... se the light of day. But after Rob asked me to help him with West Mansion and seeing his SCAR Productions page on his site, I decided to give Pyramid Scheme Productions a page of its own. Here it is.

The Name

So where did I come up with the name "Pyramid Scheme Productions", anyway? Well, to be honest, "Pyramid_Scheme" was my first net alias. My sister had gotten a computer and net access in 1997 and I needed an email address. So I hit Yahoo! and signed up, but I needed a user name. You see, I hate names like "Len3263827" and stuff like that. I wanted a unique name, but every other name I tried was taken. So, in a flash of inspiration, I took the name "Pyramid_Scheme". Why that particular name? Because, it was a name that I knew no one else had the guts to take. And so the legend was born.

The Sites

Sites Designed by PSP
Sites Run by PSP

"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil."
--Jerry Garcia

Pyramid Scheme Productions, 1998 - 2006
Last Updated: May 16, 2007 10:37 AM

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