Domain 4

Domain Expectation 4.3

The candidate models legal and ethical principles of the education profession



This domain requires that the teacher must show how they model legal and ethical principles.


Class Rules

Discipline Records

Internet Release and Film Release Forms

Lesson Plans for Films

Exhibit Explanation
Class rules are produced on a yearly basis posted and distributed to all students.

Internet releases and film releases are used as needed.

Lesson Plans for films are reflect how the film is used in class.


The class rules address the respect of property, following school rules, and the definition of plagiarism. The due process of rule violations are also presented and evidenced through discipline records.

The school has an Internet release form, but to ensure that there is a copy available in the classroom students have a second form to be filled out for my classes. A film release is used when films use questionable language and/or situations. I wrote and began using these forms several years ago and others within the building have now incorporated them.

Films are a rare occurrence in my classes. They are shown only when there is a lesson plan that requires it. Portions of films are shown more often along with the video lessons that accompany our text. Again, in order to comply with copyright laws, there are lesson plans for all.

Self-Evaluation and Reflection

I need to develop more tools to teach students how to document sources. The students really do not know how to do so. I have provided sites and help, but there is a need to present a real lesson on this at the beginning of the year.

How Observed and/or Verified

Lesson Plans


Class Rules/Discipline Office Referrals

Validation of Student Learning

Student source pages from projects




Please click link to go to the exhibit.

Class Rules

Release form1

Release form 2


Please click the link to go to the evaluation form for

Domain Outcome 4.3



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