Each person on our team had some difficult decision or imminent change to address upon his or her return home.  The travel guide tells you to expect a certain amount of “re-entry stress,” and I certainly did when I struggled to get back to work.  My conflicted emotions linger as I wonder whether and when to return to Russia, and as I wait to see if my job at George Mason University will be terminated this summer.

Thankfully, any doubts about whether I, or the team, or your prayers made a difference have been eased by reminders of God’s promises that His Word does not return void, and evidence of His care and faithfulness even in the small things.  Regardless of what happens to me, I know He continues to work over in Russia and that my time was not wasted.

So far, Valentina, Galina, and Svetlana have already exchanged several E-mails with me, and I am answering the many probing questions in Irina’s first letter to me.   Though we met for such a short time, our whole group bonded very well.  In our final evening together, they performed a song in English in front of all the groups: “Our God Is So Mighty.”  Lucy spoke for all of them in sharing some kind words about me.  Natasha confirmed their intent when she said, “Really, this was for you.  We are very grateful.”  I also shared some final words with them.  I told them I prayed that they would continue to search for the truth and apply what they learned, and I insisted that their study of the Bible and Jesus’ teachings would not have full meaning unless they shared them in the context of relationship.  It was so clear, as I asked God for some words and verses to give them, that the Apostle Paul’s New Testament message was meant for times like these.  I Thess. 2:8 expressed my sentiments perfectly:  “Having thus a fond affection for you, we were well-pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become very dear to us.”

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