Return to the Hell that spawned you!
Go to places that aren't this place.
Hi Shawn!
"I've got a helmet! You can't club me!"
I've suffered for my it's your turn.
< ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >
anime + manga
wild about harry! sketchbook covers
click me oh click me click me!
Uncharacteristically exub...exhu...happy.
Anthy Himemeya of  Revolutionary Girl Utena, with Chu-Chu. <-harry potter art that likes you
Click here! Oh click here! Oh please!
<-click here, Sparky)
You can get the comics (in French) from
Cybersix, star of the eponymous Argentine-Canadian-Japanese animated series.
Clicky clicky clicky click!
Art that's bad for your eyes
Violin, violin, violin!
<-Sailor Neptune.
contest entries
Michiru & Haruka in school uniforms->
Go Megs go!
Princess Meg's character Amara, for WCS.
Telling the Senshi apart is a skill that must be developed, like learning to understand Kate Bush lyrics.
<-Sailor Venus.
Sailor Uranus->
(stop that snickering, you infant)
Believe it or not, I won with my Vela pic! The prize? I got to post my own character, Ankesenamen, and she was the subject for February. Click on the yellow eye for the thank-you picture I did for the entrants. Egyptian graphics from a MMA stationery kit.
I'm so pleased with this that I could spit.
There are no words to describe the sheer wierdness of this manga. Reading it is like sucking helium.
Sailor Saturn, soldier of destruction and generally freaky little kid.
Gnawed wires, no doubt.
Anthy again, this time in her Rose Bride outfit.
Go Christmas shopping with Sae's character Glitch, this week's WCS entry.
(shig, come back!!!)
I like Carter USM's cover version.
Stickers are my heroin. Phoebe, e-bassist from Tavicat's American manga Sushi Girl.
Another of Kell's Sundowner characters, Piper. Piper got 30-some submissions - go have a look!
The fish never had a chance.
Bleu Finnegan, from Chynna Clugston-Major's swanky Blue Monday.
And here's Jules' alien visitor, Falloi. She...she sorta went Bowie on me.
Ask your parents to explain the joke.
That 70s Alien.
Momo, the perpetually angry heroine of Peach Girl.
Faith's character Raven, from her fabbo online comic Demonology 101.
(Gives camera thumbs-up) Thanks, Delias catalogue!
Mother of stars!
February 2001 MOB girl Vela. She's got a cool origin story.
It's gotta be the spats.
Kell Yarwood's character Ocha. Meet her in the Sundowner comic at
heroes & heroines
Merv Pumpkinhead, the Dreamworld's gourd of all trades, drawn for CFAN.
Peter David has much to answer for.
Mera! Wife of Aquaman, mom of Aquababy, and  expensive vintage Ideal doll. Adopt a little one for your page at CFAN.
Ms. Marvel (old-school version) and her semi-mortal enemy, Rogue. Two very different styles. You can handle it..
Die Gambit die.
Worst luck of any Marvel character, ever.
No, Kitty, you may *not* design the invitations!
Excalibur Members Meggan and Captain Britain finally tie the knot. Did you know Marvel once tried to saddle Megs with the codename Tapestry? It didn't take, thank God.
This is really a pretty blue, y'know? Thanks, Microsoft Photo Editor!
A Bamf, from the old X-Men story, "Kitty's Fairy Tale." Classic comic or cloying, self-indulgent sap? Wars have been fought over less.
Not Dead Again.
Phoenix comes home.
"Who's the Blackhawk Kid?"
Classic (i.e., "Obscure") DC heroine Black Orchid. Adopt one for your page at CFAN.
Some day I'll tell you my Sabra story.
It's Sabra, the cranky, conflicted heroine of Israel, drawn for CFAN.
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