i actually love all forms of art.... i've done pencil drawings and worked with charcoal... i like watercolor, but it's really hard for me to get colors right... but i love acrylics best.

this coming semester i want to take a ceramics class because sculpture and clay seem like a fun thing... if not then i'll do the acrylics painting.  a few semesters ago i did basic drawing, where we used charcoal.  charcoal was interesting because there are a ton of ways to use it.  i've done the one where you blacked out the whole "canvas" and then used your eraser to lift out shapes.  i've done still life; fruits, of course, and leaves, boots, a hat, a purse, plants, a table, even a violin.  i think that doing portraits in charcoal would be quite hard because i can't ever get charcoal to be perfect.  in any case... 

when i was in elementary school, one of my teachers did a pretty cool art project for us... he hung a picture of Beethoven upside down and had us draw it that way.  it was so funny how everyone's turned out... my friend's actually ended up looking somewhat like my uncle, who she'd never seen before.  mine was pretty good, or so i thought.  my best friend at the time, Alison Graff, actually had hers turn out strangely like her handwriting; i don't know how else to explain it but that.

i did a watercolor once of a tree with a desert background (from a picture).  of course i totally screwed up the branches (miniscule little twigs) by twirling my brush around in curlicues n stuff, but the background ended up great!  it had a mountainous background (actually, more like dead hills), which had either a sunset or a sunrise behind it.  somehow i ended up making the yellow part of it super glowy and stuff, without actually trying. haha, it was all accidental.  i think it was because i had put a little too much water and just a little of paint. hehehe...

i like to use graphite for portraits because it's interesting how if you change just one tiny little thing (although this is true of all other mediums as well) the whole picture looks different.  and i can TOTALLY not draw my own portrait, but i think that's true of a lot of people.  i drew one of my lovey from a picture, and it looked SO accurate... and then i tried another one, of me and him together, but i made both of us look younger... and then i tried one of us again for my art class back in high school, and i ended up making both of our faces broader... heh... it was horrid...

another thing i do is sketch.  sure sure, there's the "i'm so bored that i start drawing loopy ugly drawings in my notebook" sketches, which are so truly ugly, and then there's "i have an idea but i'm not truly sure about it" sketches.  those latter ones don't occur too often, however, so you see a lot more of the ugly loopy drawings.  but there are times when i'm taking classes with my boo and we start doodling together.  one time he started drawing a dragon, scales and all, and then i took it and turned it into a strange dragon by adding little stick figure arms and legs, like in
Pearls before Swine.  and then there's another one with a giant ant and little people in space ships and stuff shooting at it.  another where he's an indianish saving me from being abducted by aliens.  sure, they all sound weird, but they're horrid fun to draw, and they're soo cutesy.

UPDATE!!  -16feba05

okay okay, it's been awhile, but... anyway, right now i AM taking acrylic painting. but more later, coz TONY BEIN A POOP.
the picture i used for drawing tony's portrait that turned out good. by the way, that's my face he's resting against.
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