Here we are on our way out from our junior prom.  Aren't we so cutes here? unfortunately the color isn't as vibrant because i scanned this one from a paper printout. anyway, this is how i looked before i plucked my brows.  eugh! (Thanks go to Earl Stump for taking this picture.)
This is tony.  we got together when we were sophomores in high school, and so we've been together for more than 5 years now.  I love this picture. :*)
here we are in Hmong clothes outside of Cal Expo New Year some years ago.  it's the same day as the studio picture (below, to the left), except it's after we had all bundled back into the car drove over to cal expo.  on the way in we met tony's family coming out, so we all kinda just moved off the sidewalk and took a picture.  if you notice i have a different hat in this picture because my headdress came off so i was carrying it around my neck like a thick scarf.  tony's mom plunked this pre-made hat on me and we took a picture.  luckily it fit my big head. :p  i actually like this one better than the other.
this is me and tony, taken in my favorite 1-hour studio.  this was taken on my 17th birthday, and we had just gotten out of school.  this pose was his idea; i was going to sit on the bench next to him.  ;*)  good thing i listened to him.
This is the courtyard in front of the church in Stanford.  Tony's slappin' 5 with one of the saints or something.  I LOVE that campus; it's so beautiful.  We went here with our whole senior class to visit colleges.
here we are in traditional dress.  i was really pissed this day; i forgot why...  but this picture turned out really good. this hat is made by alternating layers.  imagine a really stout wide book, opened up to the middle.  the "pages" are then wrapped around one at a time.
thanks, Panga, for posing us and fixing my skirt and sev.
we're at the city college for this one, although we were actually still in high school, and it was summer time.  i love these kinds of pictures, where we stick our heads together and risk shooting off to the side.  they're fun, but only if you have the little disposable cameras. the good cameras make it all oogly n eugh.
here we are again, a different pose but the same day as the big one above... i thought of this pose, but then i wish i had sat better, because i was like leaning forward hecka hard so as not to fall backward. : p
here's tony pointing at a banana slug while we were on our senior trip... yeah, the yellow-green poop-looking thing. can you believe it, the banana slug is actually a mascot to a one of our state colleges! gross!
this is me and tony, again, on our senior trip, outside on the front porch of the hostel.  and yes, those leaves and things grew right in front of the hostel, making it seem even more in-the-wild than it already was.  here i'm not smiling much because at the time this was taken, i was still in my "i hate smiling cuz i get ugly" phase.
here's a shot of tony washing the dishes(!! yay! dishes!) at the hostel we stayed in.  that's Eric Kong in the back, doing i don't know what... but it looks like he's putting a fork into the sink. or scrubbing it. or something. i don't know.
here we are doing a little snuggle... with tony looking a bit too smug, if you ask me. of course, he had both hands; i took this picture.
my stupid flash wasn't working in this picture, and i'm trying to figure out a way to fix it.
this is tony and Lor vang, receiving some sort of Track award that tony won't reveal to me.
tony's lazy smile.  don't worry ** tony's not sitting in my bedroom.  this is the day bed that my bro used to sleep on, which was then located in our family room.  :*p  it's since been disassembled.  i love this picture. **loving smile**  i love them all...
this is tony and Jessica Sam, one of our friends, in their stinky math class (hi, ms. v) on the last day of school, i think... i have no idea who these people are in the back, though.
this is in front of the hostel we stayed in when we went on our senior class trip.  tony's trying to tickle me here, even though he knows i'm not ticklish.  (although to tell the truth, he almost succeeded and i quite enjoyed it!)
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