be privy tO my randOm thOughts...
17 mar 05
okay okay, so i thought that maybe it was time that i went a little bit bloggy... you know, i always thought blogs were weird.  it's like... i know you're my friend n all (or maybe you're just a psycho stalker?) but do you need to know every intimate detail of my life? tsk tsk... blogs are quite the helpmate for a stalker, you dig?  so i thought that i'd just do a little bit of random things from my life...  like maybe once or twice a week i'll update this page with things from my everyday life.  i mean, yay to you all who have blogs but... i really don't want to know all the dealings of everyone's freakin life!!

well, i've been sick for awhile (since like monday was when it got serious so i musta got it over the weekend (SUSAN!)) with of course a hangovery feeling, which is probably from dehydration (which is what a hangover is; the alcohol sucks up all your water.  so for all you folks out there (alkies) drink lots of water!) and then... hmm... lots of cold *shiver* and then hot *glisten* then cold *shiver* then hot *glisten*.  so i was like that for at least two days... two n a half...  and then it was like really intense sneezing n coughing for a day or so... after that my throat felt ripped to shreds so then even the tiniest little coughs hurt like a bitch... and so today (yay!) tony-my-sweetie went and bought (behind my back) a Robitussin!! i totally remember those... i took it like when i was 5 or something, you know?  but then that's good, because this morning i coughed n that thick nasty phlegm came up... i have to admit that there were little tiny traces of blood in the second one... but then thereafter there has been nothing but phlegms.  and i am so glad, because!!! i have had that nasty phlegm stuck in my throat for a few months now... and this is helping to get it out.  anyway, tony-my-love even chose the correct one (Robitussin PE which is an expectorant and nasal clearing thingie (expectorant = makes the phlegm come out)).  he's so sweet... he even paid freaken $6.99 for it, a tiny ass bottle...awwww.... he's even making me drink the nasty vile liquid more commonly known as "water".

oooh, and last week suzie acquired a ferdie... hee...
20 mar 05
okay.� i just tried to call tonyluv but guess what... someone needs to use the phone.� do you kno why? because it's his house phone.� and you know what? he has a cell phone but his sister *accusing eyes at judeyBooty* went on a school field trip so of course he gave it to her.� why? *snorts in frustration* because his phone is the best.� can you believe that? and it''s so beat up it's hilarious, really.� well, not only that but because tony is such a softee-heart. he'll help out when he can.� so anyway, i just called him, after waiting some time from the last time i called him (he had gone to pick up a pizza then) because of course i want him to eats his pizza first... and as soon as he picks up "hey, babe i'll call you back they need the phone *click*"...�� of course my little cries of "why? WHY?" fall upon death ears as well as the dial tone.� *glares at tony, accompanied by the tiniest little pout*� gosh, it?s so frustrating you know? and what's funny is that before he had a cell phone (which was like, more than a year ago) it was fine before, when i had to reach him by his land line.� OOH, not only that, but whenever tony's home and we're on the phone and i ACTUALLY hav something to say to him, his mom wants to use his phone.� it's like... your mom? your phone? what? how come not your house phone? *buzzzzzzzzz...

*grr.... it just makes me super mad...

and then when i still had my old phone (stupid sprint LG 1010, never get those if you can avoid it...� "these phones are known to 'cut-out' like that". whatever. pissed me off hella bad. and i never got my rebate for it, stupid sprint shitty shit. stupid salesperson who explained it wrong. grrrrrr.....)� and my parents would take it because they're going to stockton or some silly backwoods place like that (hehe, just kidding. i've never been there ... well, maybe once, but that was against my will and then, i didn't even know where we were anyway.� maybe it was modesto) they'd TAKE my phone, and it's like.... that's MY phone but you don't want to seem mean, so ya let 'em take it... and they're gone for hours and hours and hours... and when you're young ( i was only 18 at the time) you want to talk to your beloved... so i'd want to call tony, but stupid david *sticks tongue out at david with narrowed demon eyes and darts shooting out at him* would always monopolize the phone for hours and hours upon end.............................................................. so when you finally get the phone, it's all disgustingly warm and covered with oil n grease... *scrunched up face with closed eyes n tongue partially sticking out* who wants it then? and not only that (TONY) but then when i call tony, guess what!! he's not home, or the damn phone is busy.... ughhhh.... it's the never ending cycle. damn you tony *makes offending face*

and anyway, what i also superhate is when you're on the phone and then your sister or someone comes up to you and asks you something and you respond, of course.� and then the other person (TONY) is all like "huh? what? what did you say?" and it's like ARGGHHHH *pulls out hair* shutup! duh, can't you tell that i'm talking to someone else? i just said her damn name.� why don't you just wait a damn second.� you do it to me all the time...� ooh! or whenever tony does it *hypocrite!* it's like... waiting.... waiting... waiting... are ya done yet? waiting.... and then he starts talking to me and i'm like, okay, he's probably still talking to them... and he's like HULLO!@#$@#! are you there? and i'm like, ME? cuz it sounds like you're still talking to THEM. aergj;aklae jgrol ejg;aljghaf.... *super lengthy sigh...* this is pissing me off.... mayhap i'll jump to a different irritating subject... oh well, since i'm on it, may as well finish, huh? let's out with all things phoneish.� what i SUPERhate is when i'm talking to tony on something i think is superimportant or at least halfway to important, and i'm going on and on and on and suddenly tony's like "what?" and i'm like "what?" and he's like "i didn't hear you at all" and i'm like... OMG! i said all this important shit and you don't even CARE?!?!?! you coulda at least TOLD me that you were talking to someone else!! or i hate it when i'm talking to him and then his brothers start yakkin it up with him and it's like... hullo... you?re on the PHONE with ME.� okay, you're there with them like freaken 30 hours a day, 5billion days a year.� talk to me NOW. what, do they wait until you?re talking to ME before they talk to you?

what also irritates me is when i want to talk to him and he's just like freaken silent. and so it's like "i'm gonna go, you'?re not talking to me." and he's like scrambling..." no! no! i'm talking, uh huh. yeah." and then silence.... so it's like " damn! you're wasting my time on purpose! just damn stop it, shit. goodbye!!"� or he'll call and i'm in the middle of doing something and my neck is craned and it's like on the breaking point because my cell phone is super fuckin small (don't get siemens either. they're so ugly) and he's not talking but he wants to "talk" so it's like... "get offffffff. you're not talkingnngngngngngngng" and he's like " .... sooo... whatcha doin?" and i'm just like "aughahaiuahauahguahgiahguiah!!!@ you know what i'm doing i just told you and don't waste my damn time with your stupid drivel you never want to talk to me when you feel busy and we don't talk and then you want to talk to me when you know i'm busy and i have no hands and when i want to talk to you all you do is not want to talk to me but when i hav no time for you that's when you want to talK and not only that but you don't have anything to say to me why should i be on the phone with YOU?" *sigh*...

well, okay a non-tony item.� my mother, when she's on the phone she'll completely ignore us even when she could just FUCKIN say yes or no.� it's like "nod head, uh huh, leave me alone, i'm on the phone go away now stupid, i'm just on the phone gossiping or whatever and so i can't even listen to your one stupid simple question and nod or shake my head no".� it just tears me apart... i hate that sooo much, and of course when YOU're on the phone, they're like "ANSWER ME NOW DAMMIT" and you're like " GO THE FUCK AWAY YOU IGNORE ME ALL THE DAMN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OKAY. well, that escalated pretty fast.� dammit tony, you really pissed me off.� now i'm feeling even more mad and frustrated than before.� OOH! what i fuckin hate is that... you kno how some people seem to be really popular and in the know and all? well, guess what.� half of them don't even have call waiting. MORE than half. (Tony).� to tell the truth, i expected tony to have it, because his sisters were really talkative and pretty well-known and popular about school, i'd say.� and they didn't even have it.� and so sometimes when i SUPER need to talk to tony about something hella important, the damn phone would be busy.� and of course, no sane person who has to talk about something important will wait for fuckin five minutes to call again. Nooo... you hang up and hit redial as fast as you can until you've been doing it for about an hour, and you're totally delirious... and then the phone be playin tricks on you, like there's a big pause....... and it seems like there's gonna be a ring!! yes! but NO! stupid buzz...��� or it'll ring! yes! and then after three rings there's a pause... and then "we're sorry, please hang up and FUCKIN try again... we're sorry,..." aughaughaughaughaughaughaugjhg;lajwkreje... and finally five hours later when the news is no longer fuckin important, in fact the baby's already been born in the middle of the kitchen and the dog has run totally out of the area and grandmama has died of her heart attack, their phone rings!! and it's like "i was gonna tell you that grandmama had a stroke right after she had her multiple heart attack and that if you'd be so kind as to rush over with your super-strong bayer aspirin so as to mitigate the damage done and save her life i'd super appreciate it, but then that was 3 weeks ago, and your phone was busy, so forget it. and oh yeah, Dog was found dead in a ditch somewhere, with your new baby sister toddling around near it. what? new baby sister? yeah, she was born last year, but i couldn't reach you to tell you because your phone was busy the WHOLE DAMN TIME. so like, bye dummybutt who couldn't fork out an extra $3.58 or whatever it costs to get call waiting."� which brings me to another point: my mother will NEVER pick up the other line.� it's like "why the fuck are you getting call waiting if you're never gonna pick up the fuckin other line?' and not only that, but... these old hmong folk (and i'm sure others too, like mien n chinese n white) well, they're on the phone for like well over an hour, in fact closer to two hours. yes, i know, i'm not lying even though it does seem like it... and they completely ignore you and all your pertinent questions... and not only that, but they go on rehashing old issues like my daddy never loved me, which of course started about 50 years ago or something and they're StILL going over it, and you kno, tears are coursing down their cheeks and the living room is flooding and the new baby has learned how to doggy-paddle, and is on the verge of mastering the breast stroke....

*super long sigh*... well, i fear my anger has run its somewhat long (hehe) course, and ive gotta go cook.� well, i hope you guys don't and never experience these stupid little phone issues.... (except for YOU, tony)

so anyway, it's been like a billion hours now and i believe the phone is still busy.  thanks a damn lot for calling me back, tony.  thanks for trying.  well, to everyone else, i hope you don't think i'm super rude n all, but typing all this out has made me mad.  true bloggers, i don't understand how you're able to rehash your whole damn emotional day every damn day without getting even more mad or sad or whatever...

so, anyway, i'm still sick today.  when i blow my nose, my brain hurts, it really truly does.  and one time i coughed and i could feel it in my leg.  well, at least my mucus is going away. it was a little trace bloody the other day.  and damn robitussin... it pissed me off so i took 4 tsp instead of the "prescribed" 2 tsp.  and my mom thinks she sees the effects of this, but i don't think so.  today my breathing is a little labored.  i wonder why i'm still fucking sick.  i'm so tired all the time.  i hate it.  usually it's resolved itself by four days ago.  but somehow it's still lingered... huh...

and i HATE aim! (aol)  it's so fucking irritating, always popping up for no fucking reason, like it thinks it's important (read: it's not).  gosh... maybe i could stop using it, eh? but probably not. (aim: mivQaav)

gee, i hope you don't all think i'm mean.  i'm not, i'm just really irritated right now.... imagine what poor tony must feel, since sometimes i'm easily provoked to a pretty rage sometimes... and the brunt of it kinda (i'm sorry baby) ends up on him...  of course he makes me feel better n all, but sometimes i'm yelling at him for little things that he's doing that inevitably aggravate me even further.  so... just be glad you're not tony.

well, what else hav i been doing?  nothing, other than it's spring break, and it's tony's bday soon!!! yay, my lovely man you! happily bday baby boo! and don't worry luv, i'm not going to put your birthday on the web. :*p

but seeing as i'm super tired as hell, i'm gonna go.  i hope tony reads this and calls me back, although i don't believe so, as he never looks at my website (cutesily gingerly bites half my lower lip and ends up lookin a little sexy *wink*)
27 mar 05
Loneliness: a most forlorn feeling.� it's strange, that loneliness should strike someone so entirely involved in a loving relationship, but... but it does.
21 mar 05
ihav a doctor's appointment today.� my mom is finally making me go, although i am very resistant.� i don't feel i need to go, but apparently she thinks i do.� of course, it doesn't help that i told her i finally took 4 tsp all at once of robitussin, because she thinks that's one thing that's making me a little sicky.� whatever...� it's at 1:30, about 2 hours from now.� of course, i hope that i get to go to old navy, but i don't think so.� anyway, tony's sick too, i think he's come down with what ihav, poor baby.� he's alternatively hot and cold like i was, but he has a little icky cough already.� i hope he's allright.� oh, and since we're on the subject of tony, he says that he didn't hang up; he thought i hung up.� i was like whatever... you were all in a frenzy and all to go, i don't believe you.� it's more plausible that you hung up like i thought you did.

well, back to the subject:  doctors.  i took my grandmama to the lab to get her blood tested, and the waiting room was full of old sick looking people.  mostly asians.  anyway, and i didn't want to be there, because waiting rooms are the most germ-infested places where one can totally get sick... you'll probably notice (if you're asiany and wait until the tail end or peak of your sickness to go in) that you get even a little more sick after the visit than beforehand.  tsk tsk.  i was a little reluctant to bring her in, and i didn't even want to go.  well, there were so many people there, it took us more than an hour wait just to go in and get her blood taken and a little pee in a cup (which took all of 3 minutes, i'd say).  well!  what's with the wait then?  and not only that but i noticed that when we were called and i was waiting for my grandmama to pee, there were tons of people called in, and it's like... do you guys just like to make us wait or somethin?  i mean the lab is open hella early.  mayhap you should reevaluate your strategy, Quest.

and what's up with white folks? (sorry, white folks)� i mean, like back when we were kids, all the white folks be out for a day or two because of a weeny little cough, and us hardy little tiny shrimpy asians, we be comin when our mucus is comin down n the coughs are like, phlegmy too, and we've got a raging fever and we STILL comin to school!� not only that (hehehaheha) but we end up making everyone else sick.� come on now, maybe we oughta stay home when it's like that, and of course we don't actually do that, but mayhap white folks shouldn't be stayin home all the damn time just because of a little weeny cough.� and they be goin to the doctor all the damn time! it's like... why don't you wait a little? treat the cough yourself?� but on the flip side, asian folk don't be goin in at all unless they're on their death-bed, and it's like, had you gone in a few years ago you wouldn't be here now.

well, it seems that this bloggish is becoming a rather daily thing.� well, ihav to admit, it is spring break, and there's nothing to do but type n eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat andeatandeatandeatanedaenatndantenat and EAT!� so, i must say, after this week's over, i'll probably just go back to two times a week.� but you'll never know.� we'll see.

and suze! i just caught her reading up on last night's entry.� she was crackin up so bad, i was like "what the hell? it's written in all seriousness, you dolt head." and she's like "you're so funny when you're mad!!"� i guess i'll hav to b careful what i put in these things.� we wouldn't want sensible little suze's sensitivities to be offended when i start talkin bout nookie n all. hehe. (i kno i kno, doesn't make sense.� but i've got this thing going where i try to plant dirty images in her mind by saying a few choice words. hehe, when i want to be i can be quite masterful of the double entendre.)

*sigh* well, that's it for now.� mayhap i'll hav some more later after i visit my PEDIATRICIAN?? geez, i need a lady doctor now... an ADuLT doctor, eh?

well now, about 10 hours later:� 1) 3 new prescriptions to take/use/whatever, 2) a new lady who hounds me relentlessly, and 3) a small little sense of embarassment.� i now hav three new prescriptions: antibiotics for my throatie and nose infection, ointment to rub on my nose infection and promethazine, the most sickeningly sweet syrup to drink to make my cough go away.� the lady who is hounding me? she's the pharmacist across the hall from my pediatrician; she wants to know if i want my grandmama's prescriptions filled by her and delivered for free? hehe, i feel a little big hysterical n all, how she's swooping in for the kill.� it seems all innocent, you know, this "what are you doing? what school? what job? what plans? what career?" and then... *BLAMMO* what happens is that they're leading you on.� so she said to call her, and if not she'd call me! stupidly i had earlier written down both my house phone and cell phone to put into their database!! argh! and now she'll really call me.� but i'll fend her off: i do hav a defense, you know.� but i wont go into what that is.� anyway, and the small sense of embarassment? 2 people asked me how old i am, and... "20? and you're still going to doctor ***?!"� but anyway, doctor *** told me that he'd look into it and tell me the name of a good asian woman doctor. yay! for adults! yes!� i hope it's at a woman's facility, so that i can just hav the name of a OB/GYN instead of having to search for that too.� in any case, in the waiting room, there were so many sweetie little babies n all, wandering around and sorta hitting each other and looking at everyone and screeching and crying... and i felt so ancient.� the next oldest child (after suze of course, who was with me, so i could at least pretend it was her) was like this 10-11 year old girl. tsktsk....
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