stacys puzzles
puzzles are one of my favorite pastimes.  although i love reading, sometimes reading too long can give you a headache.  and then your butt goes numb.  anyway, putting puzzles together is much more versatile.  you can do a puzzle on the floor or a table, not having to crane your neck and such.  reading can be really irritating because you stay in one spot too long.

i like puzzles which are vibrant and colorful, ones which are difficult like one of
Shockwave's jigsaw games.  there's a puzzle pack which has balls of bubblegum.  Gamehouse has a puzzle pack which has citrus fruits, and another one with colored glass.  those are always fun.

tony's my biggest supporter; he bought me a few puzzles and several bottles of what could be misconstrued as "puzzle glue".  thanks, baby. ;)

i like to use the cardboard that's stacked between paper tissue at Costco.  that way i can place it on some stools so i can sit on the ground, i can put it on a table if i want to sit on a chair, or i can put it on the ground so i can be lazy.  well, there is a drawback, because although it will fit into the hallway, it won't fit inside the doorway.  so whenever i don't have oodles of time for a 1000-piece puzzle (which is about the only size i will do if i'm really serious about puzzling) then i have to totally kill progress and ruin the beauteous flat plane of the cardboard by folding it to fit it through into my room.

OOOHHH, by the way, i made this background, of which i am totally proud.   : p
Thomas Kinkade is my favorite puzzle artist.  His paintings are always so dreamy and idyllic.
Tigger is the first real puzzle i did.  tony bought it for me.  If you look closely, you can see all the individual little pictures that make up the big picture.  It was kinda hard because some of the pieces had smaller frames which were completely unrelated.  I have another one with Tigger and Pooh after Tigger has pounced on him.  this one was really fun.
this is the puzzle i am currently working on -- Julianne's Cottage, painted by Thomas Kinkade.  this puzzle has glow-in-the-dark tracings.  (place your mouse pointer over this picture to see it)
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