The Joyful Mysteries 

The Joyful Mysteries help us to think of Mary’s joy when Jesus came into the world. They are:

1.  The Annunciation
2.  The Visitation
3.  The Birth of the Child Jesus
4. The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
5.  Finding of Jesus in the Temple

(Usually said on Mondays, Thursdays, the Sundays of Advent, and Sundays from Epiphany until Lent)

The First Joyful Mystery is the Annunciation!

We recall how Mary is praying in her little room.
Heaven and earth rejoice greatly over this simple Virgin kneeling in prayer.
May I also be pleasing to God when I pray.

MARY, my Mother, I love you as I see you telling the angel that you are ready to become
the Mother of God because this is the Will of the Heavenly Father.
Thank Jesus for wanting to become a child for love of me.
Make me humble and obedient that I may always please God as you did.

            We pray this mystery to be always humble.

Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be and the Fatima Ejaculation.


We recall how Mary and Joseph are making the three day's journey from Nazareth
to visit Elizabeth and Zachary; outwardly Mary is so poor, inwardly so rich with Jesus in her.
Like Mary, I will bear God in my heart throughout my whole Life

MARY, my Mother, I love you as I see you making a long journey to visit and help
your cousin Elisabeth before the birth of Saint John.Teach me
to be kind to people as you always were and to help them in every way I can.

          We pray this mystery to love always our neighbor.

Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be and the Fatima Ejaculation.


We recall Bethlehem. Silent night, Holy night. In a poor stable, Jesus is lying upon straw.
He denies Himself everything. He seeks only me. I, too, must esteem heaven higher than earth.
Today, He is with us in the tabernacles of our Churches.
There I will often adore Him with Mary and Joseph.

MARY, my Mother, I thank you for giving us a Savior in Bethlehem.
He was born for the love of us to give us the graces we need to be good and to save our souls.
Thank Him for His love. Help me to love Jesus as you loved Him, that I may save my soul.

        We pray this mystery to remember always that Jesus came to save our souls.

Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be and the Fatima Ejaculation.


We recall how Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the Temple.
There, upon the arms of a priest He is offered to God.
In a similar way, He will be offered today through the hands of the priest at Holy Mass.
Often will I offer the Child Jesus to God at Holy Mass, at Holy Communion.

MARY, my Mother, I thank you for offering Jesus to the Heavenly Father when you brought Him
to the Temple in Jerusalem forty days after his birth.
Offer Jesus to the Heavenly Father for me that He may forgive my sins.

         We pray this mystery to offer ourselves always generously to God.

Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be and the Fatima Ejaculation.


We recall how deep the sorrow of Mary and Joseph must have been, when losing the Child Jesus.
On the streets and places they do not find him. There, too, we week in vain for peace and happiness.
They found Him in the Temple. What a touching example of piety Jesus gives me here.

MARY, my Mother, I love you as I see you looking for Jesus for three days and finding him
among the teachers in the Temple. I want to obey you as Jesus did. Never let me lose Jesus by sin.
If I should hurt God by sin, give me true sorrow and bring Jesus back to my heart at once.

            We pray this mystery to be always faithful to our duty and to give always a good example.

Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be and the Fatima Ejaculation.

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 The Introductory Prayer
The Joyful Mysteries
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The Concluding Prayers
The Litany of the Blessed Virgin
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Leo A Seron,
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