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Ipswich Gallery
These are the rest of the photographs as were taken in Ipswich by my girls. Thank you so much for the best time ever girls. I love you.
Keep dancing! Me & Kel in Temple Meads
Shell & Lottie in 1st class on the train to Ipswich
Sarah & Laa on the train to Shenfield
Cuddles! Me & Kel in Temple Meads
Lottie gets cheeky on the bus back to Liverpool Street
Mine & Shell's first cuddles on the train to Shenfield
Grrr! Lottie on the way to Witham
IAL by appointment! Kel, Shell, Lottie, me & Laa
Laa & Shell: First class
Posing princesses: Lottie, Shell & Laa On the way back from Ipswich: Lottie & Kel
Looking gorgeous before we met Tish: Me & Lottie
First pic in Startford: Shell & Kel Tish'ed out at the cab office: Kel & Laa
Fairy homewardbound: Me
My puberfying partner Lottie
The 6 year pic in Stratford Shell & me
Isn't she lovely? Kelly
Kel & Shell Gorgeous girlies Laa & Shell
Good day, good day! Lottie
Tis I! Quasimodo!
Kel & Shell
I want to see your wings! Me, thanks to Laa
She's behind you! Kel outside the Regent One of our poses! Me & Shell Wings & wands in Hotel Tish! Laa & Shell
Poster Posing Tish, Shell and... Tish!
Awww, I just adore 'em!! Laa & Shell Polite as puppies, programme posing Me & Kel
Quick, look cute! "Sleeping" Beauties; me & Kel
Do what?! Me & Kel on the train to Bristol
Me, the lesser of two evil pics! With Shell before Curtain up
See it's evil! Fat nose! Me & the gorgeous Shell
Quick, Jo's head's falling off! Me & Shell
The perfect pose to end the best two Tish days ever! Team Princess Twinkle Toes as it stood in Liverpool Street Station on the evening off Saturday 29th December 2007!
From left to right: Kel, Shell, me, Sarah (top), Laa & Lottie
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