Thank You's

This site is indeed my own, but I cannot claim the work to all be my own. Several people have helped me with my site ever since I hit upon the idea of it's creation, and they are all listed here, in no particular order of importance  I couldn't do that; everyone is so important to me and what they have done for my site!
Letitia Dean
What would Letiticious be without the lady herself? You are fabulous, Letitia. I admire you hugely and want to thank you for being you! To meet you so personally was a dream come true, and as I said, my support will be there forever. It's a pleasure to run a website for a lady such as you!

Richie Ross
I want to thank Richie so much for keeping to his word and delighting so many Tish fans by organising our own personal meet, it truly meant the world. I will never forgeot your face as you sat in the stalls - you really were watching kids at Christmas!

Stephen Dean

Massive thanks to her big brother Stephen for letting me know through the links of Letitia's new official site that Letiticious (and
Team Princess Twinkle Toes) are known to the Deans - I am ecstastic! Also massive thanks to him for pointing Team Princess Twinkle Toes out to Tish on panto night - and we hope you liked your top as much as Tish liked [what she was thought was] hers!
Jen Clark: Jen has continually thought of me in regards to Tish, and she was the wonderful woman to send me some panto flyers which I forwarded to Tish, and that came back personalized to me. This was a dream come true!.

It is also Jen who subsided simply because she is a great fan of my site. She also provided me with fanart and media for use on this site. In short, Jen Clark is Letiticious' biggest supporter.
Kelly Humphreys
Because she is my best friend, because she is the most devoted Tishinette, my fellow theatre whore and we have the best times together! I love Kelly with all my heart and we're gonna rock on for a long while in the name of Tish! Yay!
Karen Quinn
For all your Letitia's Strictly clips, they wouldn't be here without you!
Laura & IAL: For all their help over the years!
Stacey Jones: For the good times, for the way she makes me smile & because she taught me a good few lessons in life!
Shelley Greenside: My best friend & my first real Tish convert! Roll on the good and the better times!
Kerry Laidlaw: It is impossible to name all the things I owe Kerry for, but I'm going to try anyway! Thank you so much for the *counts* six fantastic blinkies, two wonderful wallpapers, two banners & several Shannis cuttings.You have no idea how grateful I am. I, and this site owe you one!
Lauren Jane Wilcox: You astound me darling. Let loose on one fantastic website to take whatever I fancied, and given God knows how much worth of Rex Features pictures. I also have not forgotton all the Letitia links you gave me, it's what helped get Letiticious off the ground.
Vicky Davies: For Letiticious' absolutely fab banner! Cheers hun!
Dean & Jade Farrow: Thank you Dean (& Jade) for your lovely emails and info in the early days of this site, I've kept them, and I'm astounded by how kind and devoted you are to Tish. There are no truer Tish fans out there!
Lucy Martin: For being Letiticious' very first visitor, back on Freewebs, on August 13th 2003.
Sarah Sharpe: The most devoted Tish fan I guess I will ever meet. Thank you for the news on all your trips to Elstree, all those pictures and all the inside info.
Amy Foxford: (Amzetabella) I want to thank Amy for introducing me to the wonder of Tish, some 5 years ago in our Tech lessons!
The thousands of visitors Letiticious has received over the years
This site is obviously nothing with you; so thank you; and I hope you continue to enjoy it here. All hail the Letitia fans!
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