"Team Princess Twinkle Toes" T-shirts
Team Princess Twinkle Toes was born of the ladies over at IAL, in a bid to support Tish during her time on Strictly Come Dancing with Darren Bennett. We decided to create our own t-shirts (logo as designed by Kate!) as a team that intends to be SEEN as well as heard!

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Miss Boss Lady Laura, the plan is that we each supply our own top (therefore it is a style you are comfortable with, without you having to divulge your size if you shouldn't wish and then you too are in control of the costs) and Laura's Printing Guy (as he is affectionately known) is to offer a mock up of our logo to show us what he can do.
The Mock Up - What YOUR top may look like!
This is the top as printed by the guy in charge of our order. This is what you WILL have printed on your top - although a range of font colours are available on request.

No Strictly information will be present on your t-shirt as we feel we'd like to represent
Team Princess Twinkle Toes as Tish's support network for a long while! Wear it with pride!

It is up to YOU to provide your own top
The printing guy is asking �6 to print this logo on any top.
Laura asks that
YOU cover postage costs! (We're thinking �2 to send the top onto Laura and for her to send it back to you once printed) and perhaps a �5 donation to Children In Need

Obviously, we know we can't force people to donate, but please remember that Team Princess Twinkle Toes was formed to support Letitia's charity efforts, so please be charitable and consider �13 as the final price for each top (NOT including the price you decide to pay for your sent top) - which results in 33% of the selling price going straight to Children In Need!

Laura DOES want to stress that she does NOT consider a charitable donation compulsory in monies she is prepared to accept. So if you plan to make your own donation upon becoming a member of Team Princess Twinkle Toes by purchasing a printed t-shirt then you need only send a total of �8 along with your purchased top to cover printing and P&P.
The choice
IS yours! But remember, it's all for a good cause, Tish fans
So, to get your Team Princess Twinkle Toes t-shirt exclusive to YOU, you will need to

* purchase a basic top (High Street shops such as Topshop and your local supermarket will help here - no ruching, buttons or frills!) in your chosen size and colour (please be aware that pale colours aren't advisable, as you will be able to tell from the logo!)

* contact me, stating your address, and details of the top you will be sending.

* I will then pass your details onto Laura as tops will be going to and from her!

* Laura should then contact you regarding total sale price and the way in which payment can be made (It is likely only cash/cheques/postal orders will be acceptable!) and where it should be sent along with your plain purchased top.
* The tops will then be sent for printing and returned to you ASAP!
Letitia & Darren are sent their
Team Princess Twinkle Toes tops from IAL
Well, we could hardly suggest a campaign to support Tish & Darren and not let them know what we're up to could we? On Thursday 4th October, Laura sent Tish & Darren their very own pair of his and hers Team Princess Twinkle Toes tops - they after all, make the team!
His & hers t-shirts
Click to enlarge
T-shirts packed and ready to go
Click to enlarge
The Card
Click to enlarge
The Covering Letter
I had the pleasure of composing the covering letter sent with the parcel - I even had masses of fun on Paint one evening coming up with
It's All Letitia's official Strictly Come Dancing letterhead. I am very proud and send massive thanks out to Laura
Click to enlarge
LATEST: Tish is made aware of Team Princess Twinkle Toes
Laura over at IAL e-mailed Razzles Dazzles (the dance academy in Northampton that Tish is patron of) about her campaign with the following e-mail)


I run a Letitia Dean fansite and website dedicated to hers truly!! I was just updating our website (updating our links, Razzle Dazzle's being one of them! ) and only came across your Letitia Dean Messages that you'll be passing on.

Basically, my fansite is doing the same. We're putting together a card. And have came up with a campaign to get Letitia & Darren to the final ... or at least far in the competition. Enter, Team Princess Twinkle Toes. This logo, has been designed and originated for Letitia only. We've designed logo's that are being printed onto T-shirts and tops, and one shall definately be sent onto Letitia & Darren asap. Any extra proceeds being donated on to Charity, Children In Need.

You'll obviously have more chances in Letitia seeing your messages rather then ours, so can you kinda say, Good Luck to her, we adore and love her, and Team Princess Twinkle Toes is backing her 100%. And if she gets a T-shirt in the post with Team Princess Twinkle Toes on it, and wonders what it is, then its from us!!! ( Us, being IAL: www.its-all-letitiadean.com )

Oh, and if anyone wants to find out any more on the T-shirts/logo's and the campaign, they can find out at http://its-all-letitiadean.com/index.php?showtopic=1527&st=0 or visit/register at our Forum or Website.

All my love, and best wishes! (loving the website by the way.)

Laura @ IAL
And today (Saturday 6th October) to cheer me up, Laura made me aware of a reply she received from Razzle Dazzles' top man, Richie Ross
Hi Laura,
Thanks for your email - I've forwarded it onto Tish so she'll be aware of your campaign!
I'm also working with Tish in panto again this year in Ipswich at The Regent Theatre. We had a press launch a couple of weeks ago, so if you google East Anglian Times, and then search for "panto" within their site, you'll see some video of the interview she did.
I'm sure Tish will want to thank you for all your support - her fans mean so much to her and we'll look forward to seeing you in Ipswich!
Richie Ross
Panto Company Manager & Razzle Dazzle Prinicipal
Since then of course, Stephen Dean himself has been able to confirm to Laura that Letitia & Darren received the tops photographed above - and they loved the whole idea so much the Facebook Stephen created to celebrate Tish's progress in SCD was named Princess Twinkles Toes! *spazz*
But better still, on December 29th, Letitia herself confirmed to us IAL girls that she had received her top and Darren too thought his was "brilliant" - and she too uttered the immortal words "Princess Twinkle Toes" which simply made us all die - because without Laura's dedication, the Team wouldn't exist at all and look what we achieved - the lady herself knows how special she is!
Click for deatils of the Team's meeting with Princess Twinkle Toes herself and the above mentioned company manager, Richie Ross!
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