Heads Up. Brett!!

Can you imagine a better name for a Stock Car driver? "Buckshot Jones"... it jest kinda rolls off the tongue, and you can feel the South Risin' Agin...

Yep, if ol' Jeb had had a buncha Buckshot Joneses, thangs mighta been differnt....

Actually, Buckshot's real name is Roy, the "Buckshot" monicker was hung on him as a kid by his grandaddy, since he was so rambunctious... but our Buckshot is no bumpkin; he graduated from University of Georgia with a business degree, and there is beaucoup cash in the Jones family. His dad owns Buckshot Racing, who fielded the car shown here at Atlanta in the final race of the '97 season.

Combine this percieved "silver spoon" with his aggressiveness - he spent most of the '97 BGN season tradin' paint with Randy Lajoie - no shrinking violet himself, and Jones came across as pretty volatile...

I built the car using a "B" decal set, and Monogram's John Deere GP kit, following the usual formula: oil lines, plugwires were added under the hood, the coiled wire for the two-way radio was wrapped around the steering wheel, Earnhardt bar, and a more up-to-date fan-style exhaust system was made, with guidance from RANDY AYERS' site.

Decals were of excellent quality, and laid down well. I used a Toyota Silver touchup aerosol lacquer for the silver, plus several light coats of Tamiya TS13 clear prior to decalling. The green and white striping was part of the decal, saving a colour-matching headache.

Atlanta '97, the race this model is based on, was Buckshot's first WINSTON CUP race - he tangled with Brett Bodine, and both were eliminated early. Brett was no fan of young Mr Jones after that...

Buckshot went on to make a few starts in '98, in preparation for a RotY run in '99, but unfortunately, things didn't pan out, and he returned to BGN. Not sure what his 2000 plans are... He had a website, likely can get updated there...

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