Dale Earnhardt's WINSTON 25th Anniversary 1995 Monte Carlo

Dale's Silver MC!!

25 Years of WINSTON!

This brilliant "Intimidator Silver" Monte Carlo was Dale's ride in the 1995 Winston Select. The colour scheme was to commemorate R.J.Reynolds' 25 years of involvement with NASCAR.

The model was built from the Monogram #29 WCW Monte Carlo, with the kit sides replaced with flat plastic for a proper slabsided appearance. The special 25th anniversary decals were what I call "no name", but they could be from Mooseworks. Grouped contingency decals are from SLIXX.

The model was wired, plumbed, and a front airscreen for the valence made from scratch. Not very satisfying, I now tend to stick to the decals provided by SLIXX, et al...

The blinding silver paint is a Toyota touchup lacquer, from the local auto parts emporium, Canadian Tire, applied right from the can. After decals were applied, Tamiya TS13 clear was applied, and the finish was rubbed out with Turtle Wax and terry cloth.

Unfortunately, Dale did not fare as brilliantly in the race as his paint job might have suggested. On the first lap of the final segment, he got into Darrell Waltrip, and they both wrecked bigtime, taking a couple others with them.

Jeff Gordon benefited from it all, and went on for the win.

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