LiaCyberCampus                                                                             Sudibyo_trans








Dokumen lain yang sering diterjemahkan

Kartu Keluarga, Suket, Ganti Nama, SKBRI, Lepas WNA, Pasport, Raport (tk, sd, smp, sma), Ijasah  (tk, sd, smp, sma, S1, S2, S3), Transkrip (S1, S2, S3) , Sim, KTP, Suket Kenal lahir, Akte Kematian, Akte Cerai , Perjanjian, Laporan Keuangan, Buku Manual, Dan lain-lain





AKTE KELAHIRAN                                                                                Index

R E G I S T R Y   O F F I C E



B I R T H   C E R T I F I C A T E


No. 2975/JT/1978


From the Public Birth Register by virtue of State Gazette 1920 No.751 in conjunction with State Gazette 1927 no.564  in  Jakarta, it has been recorded that in Jakarta on the thirty day of  May in the year nineteen hundred seventy-eight



was born, the first son of a married couple : SARDJONO and SUHARTINI.


This excerpt is in accordance with the current condition.

Jakarta, this sixth day of  June nineteen hundred seventy-eight.

Head of the Registry Office

East Jakarta

Signed and sealed


Jlik Amir, BA



The signature of R. Moh. Moehdi Poerwodarsono, Registrar of the Registry Office in Jakarta, has been verified and legalized.                   

Legalization Fee Rp 15

Jakarta, September 24, 1968

Judge of Jakarta

District Court

Signed & sealed

Sutarto, BA


I certify that this translation is correct and true to the original document written in Indonesian.


Drs. Sudibyo, MA - Authorized & Sworn Translator





SKKB                                                                                                                                    Index





 C E R T I F I C A T E  O F  G O O D  C O N D U C T

Pol. No.: B/SKCK/013/VIII/2003/Datro


1.         The Chief of  Jakarta Metropolitan Police Department  hereby certifies that:

            N a m e                           :      DISSYFIANA THAWAB

            Place/Date of Birth        :      Jakarta, March 16, 1962

            Nationality                      :      Indonesian

            Religion                          :      Islam

            Occupation                     :      Housewife

         Current Address              :         Cempaka Putih Barat IV/4-B

                                                Rt. 007 Rw.03 Cempaka Putih Barat,       

                                                 Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta

 ID Number                      :      09.5005.560362.2006


           Fingerprints formula    :     11   S  1    U   IIO  15

                                                            M  1    U   III       


After being subjected to screening up to the issuance of this certificate which  is based on:

a.    The prevailing criminal records

b.        Certification issued by the Sub-District Chief


it is discovered that the person concerned is not being involved in any criminal case or other crimes.       


2.         This certificate is issued to the person concerned to obtain the permanent

 residence status in Australia.


3.         Valid from       :           August 4, 2003

            until                  :           November 4, 2003.


4.       This certificate is drawn up truthfully to be used accordingly.


Photograph of the bearer

Issued in Jakarta    

On  August 4, 2003


Not valid if the person concerned is in the process of a criminal case.


For Chief of Jakarta Metropolitan Police Department

Director of Intelligence & Security Directorate

Chief of Community Surveillance Unit

Signed & sealed


Police Commissioner NRP. 61060759


I certify that this translation is correct and true to the original document written in Indonesian.



Drs. Sudibyo, MA

Authorized & Sworn Translator      TR211


AKTE NIKAH                                                                                                                Index     

The West Jakarta Mayor Dated March 24, 1967 No. 473/5/GN/DB/1967

No. 204/1967

Reg. No. 125/1968



               R E G I S T R Y   O F F I C E                





No. 175/1966


From the Marriage Register by virtue of State Gazette 1917 No. 130 juncto 1919 No. 81 in Jakarta, it has been recorded that on the fourteenth day of March nineteen hundred sixty-six, a marriage was recorded between:


“Rudi Mensana ”


“Erni Tjandrasasmita”






This excerpt is in accordance with the current condition


         Jakarta, January 26, 1968          

Head of the Registry Office


signed & sealed


The signature of Suwarta, Registrar of the Registry Office in Jakarta, has been verified and legalized.


Jakarta, February 5, 1968

Judge of Jakarta

District Court

Signed & sealed




I certify that this translation is correct and true to the original document written in Indonesian.




Drs. Sudibyo, MA

Authorized & Sworn Translator

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