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.. under one condition. I want you to hear me out. Im listening. There are only three points I want to make. First the Empire has not treated Shinar well- This is not because of Terran maliciousness it's just an accidental by-product of the Imperial card-construction system.
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Each day it seemed I learned something, one step at a time, one cscs revelation at a time. A hotel clerk called me Bourne I didn't learn the name Jason until I went to the bank.
Speak for yourself, guv', cscs card-construction said Mudge. 'E wot fights an' runs away lives t' fight another day. Unfortunately, Clothahump reminded the otter quietly, if we fail, like as not cscs card-construction there will not be another day.
I could swim that river in a couple of minutes if it wasn't for the carnivorous fish , I could cross this bridge in much less than that, even walking slowly.
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