August 2002
E-mail me at [email protected].
Please come back soon and visit me again.
Journal Entries (updated)
Updated April 21st, 2005
Site Map

If you wanna chat, I'm on AIM or yahoo from time to time under the name liljoeyboy.  I also tend to have MSN Messenger up as well (my e-mail is at the bottom of this page).
Quick reference::
My Soundtrack
Playlist (new)
Now Playing (new)
Webcam (new)
Me with green hair (August 2002).
webcams are not flattering
A picture...taken with a webcam at a friend's place.
This is the first time I've updated in almost a year.  Sorry!  Give me some time to get this place in tip-top condition.  The biggest additions right now are the Playlist and Now Playing links to the left.  Now you can see what songs I'm really liking at the moment (playlist) and what video games I'm playing (now playing).  Oh yeah...and I added a link to my webcam, which isn't live often.  But maybe that'll change if I actually get some traffic here.
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