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Initial Employment Training
Once a 6 week recruit course has been completed, every member of the Army Reserve must complete initial employment training (IET.) IET structure, length and location varies for each position. Generally, the position is selected prior to attending the recruit course. Often, applicants are already sure of the position they want, but others have questions and careers advisors are available to answer questions.

Possible Positions (Jobs)
Rifleman | Crewman | Gunner | Engineer | Driver | Cook | Pay Clerk | Administration Clerk | Medical Assisatant | Storeman ... & others

Job-Specific Information
Visit the official Army web site for lists of jobs and what they involve. Visit a recruiting centre to watch videos about each position as well as learn about position-specific IET training.

This is not an official publication of the Australian Defence Force. Please visit the official Army web site.

Contact Us
Captain Lionel Boxer CD
Army Reserve Recruiting Officer

RVR Pipes and Drums Association Inc
Perpetuating the 5th Bn
Victoria Scottish Regiment
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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