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[Royal banner of Scotland] [The Balck Watch in HK Central, leading up to the 1997 handover.]

From A&SH of Canada

D/M Peter Toole - Highlanders http://home.cogeco.ca/~argyll-pipes-and-drums/2000Edinburgh3.jpg (128012 bytes) Rehearsal in the Castle

Capetown Highlanders http://home.cogeco.ca/~argyll-pipes-and-drums/2000Edinburgh2.jpg (128012 bytes) Rehearsal in the Castle

Photos of RVR Pipes & Drums in Edinburgh

One Saturday night at the Castle - during the break between the afternoon and evening show.

[RVR Pipes and Drums - click for full size]

Marching out of the Castle into the Esplanade:

[Our DM Sgt Collin Hughes-Smith and, to the right of him and up a bit me]

Our band members forms the letter 'A' in one of the 26 performances of the Tattoo

[I am at the top left of the

[Our good pipers are in the front and I am in behind them]

Other photos:
Queen Mum's 100th Tribute
Other 2000 Tattoo Photos
Other Band Photos

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